Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2184

  1. Lux unitas clarior - Light becomes brighter when focused (Motto of the first Venezuelan Republic, 1811-1812)
  2. Lux, Veritas et Virtus - Light, Truth and virtue (Northeastern University Motto in Boston, Massachusetts)
  3. Macte nova virtute puer: sic itur ad astra - Look to your new-found courage, young man, for that is the way to the stars! (Aphorism taken from Virgil’s Aeneid . Is now used to emphasize the willingness to fight and put effort in difficult situations. The last part (Sic itur ad astra) contained in the shield of the Colombian Air Force)
  4. Maestitiam pellere exanimis - Spirit away from the sadness
  5. Magis esse quam videri oportet - It is more important to be, than to appear
  6. Magister dixit - The teacher said it (Philosophical term - Fallacy that considers something is true, just because the teacher said it. It is another form of Argumentum ad verecundiam )
  7. Magister dixt; curia nula alegans - When the magister has spoken, the people have nothing to say.
  8. Magister equitum - Head of knighthood
  9. Magister in Artibus - MA - Master of Arts (University Degree - abbreviated as MA)
  10. Magister in Negotiis Administrandis - Master of Business Administration (University Degree - MBA - Latin version abbreviated as MNA)
  11. Magister in Scientiis - Master of Science (University Degree - Abbreviated as MSc)
  12. Magister militum - Head of soldiers
  13. Magister Mundi sum - I am the master of the world
  14. Magister officiorum - Head office
  15. Magna Cum Laude - With Great Praise (Academic term - Used on degree certificates to indicate exceptional academic standing)
  16. Magna est veritas et praevalet - The truth is great and it prevails (Motto of Horace Mann School in Bronx, NY)
  17. Magna Hispalense - The great Hispalis (Motto of the Cathedral of Seville, Spain)
  18. Magna pars mei mortem vitabit. - A great part of me will avoid death. (Thank you: Robert)
  19. Magni nominis umbra - The shadow of a great name (refers to Pompey and applies to men who lived during that time)
  20. Magnificat anima mea Dominum et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo salutari meo - My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior (Luke 1, 46-47)
  21. Magnis itineribus - Forced marches (Military phrase)
  22. Magno dedo cordi, erit tibi hoc - Deliver your heart magnificently, this will succeed
  23. Magnopere patrem diligebat quamquam eum numquam viderat - He loved his father, although he had never seen him
  24. Magnu conatu, magnas nugas - A great effort for great trifles (Terence - So much work for so little gain)
  25. Magnum nomen est magna species magna dignitas magna maiestas consulis - It's big name, famous appearance, high dignity, pride of the consul's greatness (Cicero - Calpvrnivm Pisonem Oratio, XI)

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