Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2129
- Liberae sunt nostrae cogitationes - Our thoughts are free (Cicero Pro Milone oratio 79 )
- Liberate Te Ex Inferis - Save Yourself from Hell
- Liberi esto felicitatem et gloriam consecuto salva Cruce - Under the protection of the cross, be free and obtain happiness and glory (Motto of the first flag of the Republic of Ecuador)
- Liberis est existimandus qui nulli turpitudini servit - It is considered free, the one who serves no disgrace
- Libertas capitur - Freedom is winning (Motto of the University Austral de Chile )
- Libertas est potestas faciendi id quod iure liceo - Freedom is the power to do what the law allows (Legal term)
- Libertas perfundet omnia luce - Freedom spreads the light over everyone
- Libertas quae sera tamen - Freedom although late (Motto of Brasil’s Minas Gerais State)
- Libertate unanimus - United in freedom (Motto of the Netherlands Antilles)
- Liberum arbitrium - Free will
- Liberum, veto - Freely, I oppose
- Librorum Prohibitorum - Index of Prohibited Books (Is a list of those publications which the Catholic Church described as pernicious books for faith)
- Licentia loquendi - Freedom to speak (Diplomatic Term - permission or licenses to talk)
- Licentia poetica - Poetic license (Seneca)
- Lignum crucis - Wood of the cross
- Lignum vitae - Tree of Life (Book written by Arnold Wion in 1595 which recounts papal prophecies of Saint Malachy)
- Lilium et Rosa - Lily and Rose (Pope Urban VIII (1623-1644) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because of conflicts between France (Lily) and England (Rose))
- Lingua Franca - Common language (Diplomatic Term)
- Litis contestatio - Demand answered (Legal term )
- Litis denuntiatio - Demand Served (Legal term )
- Loco Citato - In the place cite (Often abbreviated as loc. cit.)
- Locus amoenus - Loving place, pleasant
- Locus dolenti - The place where it hurts (In medicine: To apply medicine on the place where it hurts)
- Locus eremus - Solitary place (Love phrase - Refers to sensations and feelings of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, unhappiness and loneliness)
- Locus regit actum - The venue, the act governing (Legal term)
Total: 4203