Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 2084

  1. Legis Actio Per Sacramentum - Legal action by Sacrament (Legal action - Executive process)
  2. Legitimatio ad causam - Legitimacy by cause (Legal term – A link must exist between the owner of the action and who exercises it)
  3. Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus - We are slaves of these laws, so that we can be free
  4. Lenire desiderium crebius epistolis - Make absence more bearable with frequent letters (Love phrase - Cicero - De senectute)
  5. Lenis somnus - Sweet dream
  6. Lenticulae similis est, agat aut desistat - It's like lentils, take it or leave it (Philosophical Term)
  7. Leo Florentius - Florentine Lion (Pope Adrian VI (1522-1523) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Florensz and he had two lions on his coat of arms)
  8. Leo minor - Minor lion
  9. Leo Sabinus - The Sabine Lion (Pope Celestine IV (1241) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was bishop of Sabine and his coat of arms had a lion)
  10. Letum nom omnia finit – While it is not fina
  11. Letum nom omnia vinci - Perseverance conquers all
  12. Leva Vit - Raising to life
  13. Leve fit, quod bene fertur, onus - The load is lite, if you know how to support it (Ovid - Amores - Book I)
  14. Lex Aquilia - Aquilian Law (Legal term - Roman law proposed by Galius Aquilius - It is a plebiscite that imposes compensation when someone causes damage to property)
  15. Lex artis - Art Law (Legal term which refers to knowledge of the profession is exercised)
  16. Lex domicilii - Home Law (Legal term)
  17. Lex dubia, Lex nulla - Doubtful law, Null law(Legal term)
  18. Lex duodecim tabularum - Act of the twelve tables (Legal term - code which was enacted as a result of the quarrels between patricians and plebeians)
  19. Lex dura est, sed certa est - The law is tough, but it is right
  20. Lex dura est, sed scripta est - The law is tough, more is found written
  21. Lex fori - Law Forum (Legal term)
  22. Lex gratia, lex non pecuniae - Law for the sake of the law, not the money (Thank you: Tim Pappas)
  23. Lex iniusta non est lex - An unjust law is not law (Legal term)
  24. Lex iulia de repetundis - Anti-Corruption Act (Legal term)
  25. Lex loci celebrationis - Law of the venue where the act was celebrated (Legal term - Defers the authority to the local rules where the act, such as marriage, was performed )

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