Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2066
- Laudationes funebres - Speeches praising the dead
- Laudatores temporis acti - A lover of the past (which is constantly denigrating the present and idealizing the past)
- Laudemus viros gloriosos et parentes nostros in generatione sua - Let us honor our glorious ancestors and our parents in their offspring (Ecclesiastes 44,1)
- Lauder et laudis - Praise and thanksgiving (Ecclesiastical term - Old Christian chant)
- Laus Deo : Thank God, praise God
- Laus et laus – Praise and praise
- Lavabo inter innocentes manus meas - Wash my hands in innocence (Vulgate - Psalms 25,6)
- Lege, quaeso - Read, I beg you (Don't just take my word for it)
- Lege Silente - Silent law (Legal term )
- Lege totum si vis scire totum - If you want to know everything, read everything
- Legem patere quam ipse fecisti - Abide by the rules which you have set yourself (Pitaco)
- Leges palatinae - Laws of the Palace
- Legimus in Iudith, si cui tamen placet volumen recipere - We read in the Book of Judith, if you will accept this book (St. Jerome)
- Legimus in Scripturis - We read in the Scriptures (Ecclesiastical term)
- Legiones cum hostibus pugnaverunt eosque vicerunt - The legions fought and defeated the enemies
- Legis Actio Per Condictionem - Legal action, due to insanity (Legal term)
- Legis Actio Per Iudici Arbitri Postulationem - Legal action at the request of the judge or arbitrator (Legal term)
- Legis Actio Per Manus Iniectionem - Legal action by the laying on of a hand (Legal term - Action focused on the person, not his property )
- Legis Actio Per Pignores Capionem - (Legal action by seizing property)
- Legis Actio Per Sacramentum - Legal action by Sacrament (Legal action - Executive process)
- Legitimatio ad causam - Legitimacy by cause (Legal term – A link must exist between the owner of the action and who exercises it)
- Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus - We are slaves of these laws, so that we can be free
- Lenire desiderium crebius epistolis - Make absence more bearable with frequent letters (Love phrase - Cicero - De senectute)
- Lenis somnus - Sweet dream
- Lenticulae similis est, agat aut desistat - It's like lentils, take it or leave it (Philosophical Term)
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