Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 2054
- Lapsus machinae - Error of the machine (This phrase is widely used to refer to errors in written texts, blaming the computer. It is clear that in this type of error is better than a slip of the pen)
- Lapsus memoriae - Memory erro
- Latae sententiae - Sentence that follows (Ecclesiastical term)
- Latebra bellorum - Refuge against war
- Latebra lunae - Lunar eclipse
- Latebra scribendi - Writing in cipher text
- Latet Anguis in Herba - A snake hidden in the grass (Virgil - Bucolica III 93 )
- Lato sensu - Broad Sensu
- Latrant et scitis estatint praetesquitantes estis - They bark, so you know that you are in front of them (Philosophical term - A successful person does not look back, and only seeks his goal. However, enemies will follow him and say bad things, acting like barking dogs)
- Latrunculorum , similis est bellum, et consilium ex tempore, et quia opus ei ad conciliandos - Chess is like war, strategy and time are both needed to win (Thank you: Laura )
- Laudate dominum omnes gentes - Praise the Lord (Ecclesiastical term )
- Laudatio funebris - Funeral eulogy
- Laudationes funebres - Speeches praising the dead
- Laudatores temporis acti - A lover of the past (which is constantly denigrating the present and idealizing the past)
- Laudemus viros gloriosos et parentes nostros in generatione sua - Let us honor our glorious ancestors and our parents in their offspring (Ecclesiastes 44,1)
- Lauder et laudis - Praise and thanksgiving (Ecclesiastical term - Old Christian chant)
- Laus Deo : Thank God, praise God
- Laus et laus – Praise and praise
- Lavabo inter innocentes manus meas - Wash my hands in innocence (Vulgate - Psalms 25,6)
- Lege, quaeso - Read, I beg you (Don't just take my word for it)
- Lege Silente - Silent law (Legal term )
- Lege totum si vis scire totum - If you want to know everything, read everything
- Legem patere quam ipse fecisti - Abide by the rules which you have set yourself (Pitaco)
- Leges palatinae - Laws of the Palace
- Legimus in Iudith, si cui tamen placet volumen recipere - We read in the Book of Judith, if you will accept this book (St. Jerome)
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