Ad patres - To the parents (Next to the ancestors)
Ad pedem litterae - To the foot of the letter (Literally, exactly as it is written)
Ad perpetuam rei memoriam - In perpetual remembrance of the even
Ad personam - Towards the person
Ad petendam pluviam - Obligatory Prayer to Request for Rain (Ecclesiastical term - Prayers for rain said in masses) )
Ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora - Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow (A bird at hand is better than two in the bush)
Ad probationem - To probe (Legal term - evidence used as proof)
Ad quem - To which (Legal term - e.g. Terminus ad quen Limit to which - compare with post quem - after which)
Ad referendum - To reference (Legal term and also Diplomatic term - Indicates that although the main points has been agreed to, there are still details to be worked out later)
Ad rem - To the point
Ad sedes - To the headquarter
Ad sidera tollere vultus - Raise your face to the stars (Ovid Metamorphoses I, 86 - Urges us to have always altruistic ambitions)
Ad solemnitatem - To solemnity (Legal term - Seriousness required to validate the act)
Ad summun - To the summit (to the top)
Ad terrorem - To create terror
Ad unguem - By the nail (Sculptors used their nails to detect imperfections in their work. Since then it meant to be something perfect, since it passed the nail test)
Ad unguem factus - Made by the nail (Well polished, well made)
Ad unum omnes - From one to all
Ad usque fidelis - Unto fidelity (True to the end - Motto of Saint Tropez)
Ad usum - To usage (Legal term - According to custom)
Ad usum delphini - For use by the Dolphin (Refers to books that have been expurgated)
Ad utrumque paratus - Prepared for either (Motto of the Spanish Submarine Force)
Ad valorem - According to value (Used to determine the Customs duty charge)