Ius commercii - Property law (Legal term - right to buy and sell)
Ius Commune - The common law (Legal term - Thank you: Walid Kais )
Ius conditum - Law or force (Legal term)
Ius conubii - Right to marry (Legal term - also spelled as Ius connubii with two n)
Ius edicendi - Right to issue rules (Legal term - Said right was given to Authorities of the Roman Empire)
Ius est ars boni et aequi - The right is the art of what is good and what is fair (Legal term)
Ius et norma loquendi - Law and rule of language
Ius fruendi - Entitled to the fruits (Legal term)
Ius gentium - Towns rights within the empire (Legal term)
Ius gentium est quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit - Law of nations is the natural reason establishes among all men (Legal term - Gaius, second century roman juriconsult)
Ius Gladii - The right of the sword (Legal term - Roman law referring to the power to sentence to death. For example, in the provinces this power was usually reserved for roman indigenous authority)
Ius habendi - Right to own (Legal term)
Ius honorum - Right to be honored (Legal term - right to be elected)
Ius Imperium - Power to command (Legal term)
Ius in bello - Law of War (Diplomatic term)
Ius in re - Right in the action (Legal term)
Ius legis actionis - The right of legal action (Legal term)
Ius meum tuebor - I will defend my right (Thank you: Patrice)
Ius naturale est quod natura omnia animalia docuit - The natural law is what nature has taught all living things (Legal term)
Ius naturalis quod semper aequum ac bonum est - Natural law is what is always fair and good (Legal term - Julius Paulus)
Ius nec stultis solere succurri, sed errantibus - The law does not help the fools. but those who make a mistake (Legal term – Employment Law)
Ius primae noctis - The law of the first night (They say that in medieval times, kings had the right to sleep with the bride on her wedding night. The groom could avoid this, if he paid the king)
Ius privatum – Private Law (Legal term)
Ius provocationis - The right to appeal (Legal term)