Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1976

  1. Ius alienis rebus utendi fruendi salva rerum substantia - Right to the use and enjoyment a thing of another, without changing the substance of the thing (Legal term - Definition of Uusfruct)
  2. Ius auxiliandi - Right to help (Legal term)
  3. Ius civile - Civil law (Legal term - Law which relates to acts between citizens)
  4. Ius cogens - Imperative Right (Peremptory norms, which can not be violated by any country: slavery, genocide, etc)
  5. Ius commercii - Property law (Legal term - right to buy and sell)
  6. Ius Commune - The common law (Legal term - Thank you: Walid Kais )
  7. Ius conditum - Law or force (Legal term)
  8. Ius conubii - Right to marry (Legal term - also spelled as Ius connubii with two n)
  9. Ius edicendi - Right to issue rules (Legal term - Said right was given to Authorities of the Roman Empire)
  10. Ius est ars boni et aequi - The right is the art of what is good and what is fair (Legal term)
  11. Ius et norma loquendi - Law and rule of language
  12. Ius fruendi - Entitled to the fruits (Legal term)
  13. Ius gentium - Towns rights within the empire (Legal term)
  14. Ius gentium est quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit - Law of nations is the natural reason establishes among all men (Legal term - Gaius, second century roman juriconsult)
  15. Ius Gladii - The right of the sword (Legal term - Roman law referring to the power to sentence to death. For example, in the provinces this power was usually reserved for roman indigenous authority)
  16. Ius habendi - Right to own (Legal term)
  17. Ius honorum - Right to be honored (Legal term - right to be elected)
  18. Ius Imperium - Power to command (Legal term)
  19. Ius in bello - Law of War (Diplomatic term)
  20. Ius in re - Right in the action (Legal term)
  21. Ius legis actionis - The right of legal action (Legal term)
  22. Ius meum tuebor - I will defend my right (Thank you: Patrice)
  23. Ius naturale est quod natura omnia animalia docuit - The natural law is what nature has taught all living things (Legal term)
  24. Ius naturalis quod semper aequum ac bonum est - Natural law is what is always fair and good (Legal term - Julius Paulus)
  25. Ius nec stultis solere succurri, sed errantibus - The law does not help the fools. but those who make a mistake (Legal term – Employment Law)

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