Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1941
- Is strenue pugnavit - He fought valiantly
- Isti caelum, non animum suum, mutant, si trans mare currunt. - They change the sky but not their souls, if they move across the sea. (Thank you: Robert)
- Ita diis placuit - That pleased the god
- Ita est - This is
- Itaque tempus ad utranmque rem decernitur - Thus, time will decide on both (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
- Ite, missa est - Go, the Mass ended
- Itego arcana dei - I hide the secrets of God
- Iter ad deum - God made the way (Name of a religious sect)
- Iter criminis - Path of crime (Legal term)
- Iter unius diei - Journey of one day
- Itineraium mentis ad veritatem - The journey of the mind in search of the truth (Motto of the University of the Frontier in Temuco, Chile )
- Iucunda memoria est praeteritorum malo rum - Joyful is the memory of past evils. (Cicero)
- Iucunditas Crucis - Joy of the Cross (Pope Innocent X (1644-1655) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was elected Pope on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross after a long and difficult conclave)
- Iudex damnatur ubi nocens absolvitur - The judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted (Legal Term - Publius Sirus)
- Iudicis est ius dicere, non dare - It is the judge's role to explain, not to make the law (Legal Term - Bracton's Latin puns on Iudicis, of the judge, and ius dicere, to speak the law, to make this phrase memorable)`
- Iulia Pompeio nupsit - Julia married Pompey (Things people do to please their father - Julia was the daughter of Julius Caesar and married Pompey so his father could form a strong political alliance with him)
- Iunctae humanitatis vinculo - Link of a united humanity (Motto of the Chilean Institute)
- Iuncti sed non uncti - Together, but not scrambled (Motto of the acrobatic patrol the Spanish Air Force)
- Iupiter Stator - Jupiter standing (name of statue of the god Jupiter, whom the Romans invoked to protect them from the Sabines)
- Iura et munera - Rights and obligations (legal term)
- Iura Novit Curia - The court called the law (Legal term, often used to say that judges know the law and result)
- Iura private - Civil rights (Legal term)
- Iura publica - Political rights (Legal term)
- Iurare in verba magistri - Swear by the words of the master
- Iurator sacramentalis - Sacramental juror
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