Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1922

  1. Iovis dies - The day of Jupiter (Thursday)
  2. Iovis erepto fulmine, per inferna vehitur Promethei genus - Lightning taken from Jupiter transpors through hell the race of Prometheus. (Plaque erected at the opening of Subway in Paris)
  3. Ipsa duce - She guides us (Ecclesiastical term - used religiously in reference to the Virgin Mary)
  4. Ipsa natura rei - The very nature of things
  5. Ipsa scientia potestas est - The knowledge itself is power
  6. Ipsa senectus morbus est - Old age itself is a disease (Terence - Phormio)
  7. Ipsae caprae memores redeunt in tecta - Even the goats remember their home (Publius Vergilius Maro - Georgics 3 316)
  8. Ipse dixit - He himself said it (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy in which the only proof, are the words of who makes the assertion)
  9. Ipse foedet - The same bad odor
  10. Ipse Venena Bibas - Drink the poison yourself (Ecclesiastical term used for exorcism - Abbreviated as IVB)
  11. Ipso facto - By that very fact (Legal term - Fact that has a Judicial consequence)
  12. Ipso iure - By law (Legal term - As opposed to facts Ipso facto)
  13. Ipsum esse subsistens - Subsistent Being itself (Saint Thomas Aquinas - Philosophical term - Essential definition of God given by the scholastics)
  14. Ira animi lutum vomit - Anger in the heart vomits silt
  15. Ira furor brevis est - Fury is a brief madness
  16. Iracundiam qui vincit, hostem superat maximum - Who controls his anger, defeats his greatest enemy (Publilius Syroi - Your own unleashed anger can cause you many bad consequences, so it is your worst enemy)
  17. Iram qui vincit, hostem superat maximum - Anyone who knows how to suppress anger subjugates its greatest enemy
  18. Irascimini et nolite peccare - Be angry without doing sin (Vulgate - Ephesians 4,26 - Epistle of Santiago)
  19. Is strenue pugnavit - He fought valiantly
  20. Isti caelum, non animum suum, mutant, si trans mare currunt. - They change the sky but not their souls, if they move across the sea. (Thank you: Robert)
  21. Ita diis placuit - That pleased the god
  22. Ita est - This is
  23. Itaque tempus ad utranmque rem decernitur - Thus, time will decide on both (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  24. Ite, missa est - Go, the Mass ended
  25. Itego arcana dei - I hide the secrets of God

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