Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1901
- Inter poculis - Between cups (Drinking)
- Inter prandenbum sit saepe parumque bibendum - While you eat, you should drink often and in small quantities
- Inter vivos - Among the living
- Interdictio aquae et ignis - Deprivation of water and fire
- Interior autem influxus gratiae non est ab aliquo nisi a solo Christo, cuius humanitas ex hoc quod est divinitati coniuncta habet virtutem iustificandi - The outpouring of grace in us all, belongs only to Christ and this sanctifying causality results in the intimate union in Christ and between divinity and humanity (Aquinas, III, Q. 8, a.6)
- Interior intimo meo et superior summo meo - Higher than my highest and more inward than my innermost self ("The Lord is closer to us than we are to ourselves" Benedict XVI)
- Interposita persona - An intermediary (Legal term - Sometimes refers to a front man used to disguise an unlawful transaction )
- Interpretatio germanica - Interpretation of the Germans
- Interpretatio graeca - Interpretation of the Greek
- Interpretatio largo sensu - Interpreted in general (Legal term - as opposed to strictu sensu)
- Interpretatio romana - Interpretation of the Romans
- Interpretatio stricto sensu - Interpreted strictly (Legal term - as opposed to largo sensu)
- Intra muros - Within the wall
- Introibo ad altare dei - Enter the altar of god (Ecclesiastical term)
- Intuitu pecuniae - In response to money (Legal term)
- Intuitu personae - In consideration of the person (Legal term)
- Intus Nero, foris Cato - Inside a Nero, outside a Cato (There is a difference between what the man appears to be, and who he really is)
- Inventa lege, inventa fraude - Made law, made the trap
- Inveterata consuetudo et opinio iuris seu necessitatis - Inveterate habit and the opinion or necessity of law (Legal term - Usually - Unwritten Laws and behavior that follows people constantly: conviction of those people that such behavior is mandatory)
- Invidia festos dies non agit - Envy does not take days off, or does not save the holidays
- Invita Minerva - Despite Minerva
- Invito domino - Against the will of the owner (Legal term)
- Invitus nemo rem cogitur defendere - Nobody will be forced to defend the object (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 50,17,156 - )
- Iovis dies - The day of Jupiter (Thursday)
- Iovis erepto fulmine, per inferna vehitur Promethei genus - Lightning taken from Jupiter transpors through hell the race of Prometheus. (Plaque erected at the opening of Subway in Paris)
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