Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1871

  1. Index expurgatorios - Index of the expurgated (List of amended or removed words which were deemed to be offensive or objectionable)
  2. Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgatorum - Index of prohibited books (Books cataloged as going against the Catholic faith)
  3. Indivisa Manent - Remain together (Motto of University La Salle - Work together, do not divide)
  4. Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter - Indivisibly and inseparably (Austria-Hungary motto - Refers to the autonomous nations inside the Monarchy. In fact, it wasn't really true, Hungary had a revolution against the Habsburg dinasty in 1848 - Thank you: Tibor)
  5. Indocti discant, et ament meminisse periti - Let the unlearned learn, and the learned delight in remembering
  6. Inertia laboris - Aversion to work
  7. Inferna tetigit possit ut supera assequi - I touched the depths, to reach the heights. ( Thank you: DJR )
  8. Inflamma cor nostrum amore tui - Inflates our heart with your love (This phrase appears in a church next to the image of Jesus)
  9. Ingens metus nostros invadit - The huge fear that invades us (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  10. Inhumanitas omni aetate molesta est - In humanity is harmful in every age (Cicero)
  11. Inimici sont multi - The enemies are many (Cicero)
  12. Inimicus Expulsus - Enemy Expelled (Pope Lucius II (1144-1145) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Caccianemici, or the enemy hunter)
  13. Initio sapientiae timor Domini - The beginning of knowledge is fear of the Lord (Vulgate - Psalm 111, 9)
  14. Iniuriarum remedium est oblivio - The best remedy for injury is to forget
  15. Inmobilis: Tecum hostes debelamus - Undaunted: With the hosts destroyed
  16. Insanabile cacoëthes scribendi - An incurable vice of writing (Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Satires)
  17. Instaurare omnia in Christo - To restore everything in Christ (Pope Saint Pius X)
  18. Instrumentum vocale - A tool that speaks (Legal term - Refers to slave who did not have an rights)
  19. Intellectum valde ama - Strongly love intelligence (St. Augustine - Epist of Hippo in 120, 3.13: PL 33.459)
  20. Intellectus luminis sicci non est recipit infusionem a voluntate et affectibus - Intellect is not a light that burns without oil, but it is fed by will and passion (Bacon, Novum Organon 1, 49)
  21. Intelligenti pauca - For the intelligent, only a few words (are needed to make him understand)
  22. Intelligo me intelligere - I understand. that I understand (St. Augustine)
  23. Inter arma, silent Leges - When the arms yell, the laws are silent. (Michael Waltzer in his work "Just and Unjust wars" uses it to refer to the cruel reality of the violation of human rights during war conflicts)
  24. Inter Aulas Academia quaere verum - Among the classrooms of the Academy you look for the truth (This is the motto of the National University of Colombia. It is based on a Horace’s verse in reference to the Academy founded by the Greek philosopher Plato in the outskirts of Arenas, in 387 BC)
  25. Inter faeces et urinam nascimur - Between feces and urine we are born (St. Augustine)

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