Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1868

  1. Inde datae leges, ne fortior omnia posset - The laws were made lest the stronger should be all powerful (Legal term - Ovid, Fasti III, 279)
  2. Inde ferunt, totidem qui vivere debeat annos, corpore de patrio parvum phoenica renasci - A baby phoenix is born from the ashes of its father, destined to live for the same period of time (Ovid, Metamorphoses)
  3. Index caput morbit - The origin of wrong
  4. Index expurgatorios - Index of the expurgated (List of amended or removed words which were deemed to be offensive or objectionable)
  5. Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgatorum - Index of prohibited books (Books cataloged as going against the Catholic faith)
  6. Indivisa Manent - Remain together (Motto of University La Salle - Work together, do not divide)
  7. Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter - Indivisibly and inseparably (Austria-Hungary motto - Refers to the autonomous nations inside the Monarchy. In fact, it wasn't really true, Hungary had a revolution against the Habsburg dinasty in 1848 - Thank you: Tibor)
  8. Indocti discant, et ament meminisse periti - Let the unlearned learn, and the learned delight in remembering
  9. Inertia laboris - Aversion to work
  10. Inferna tetigit possit ut supera assequi - I touched the depths, to reach the heights. ( Thank you: DJR )
  11. Inflamma cor nostrum amore tui - Inflates our heart with your love (This phrase appears in a church next to the image of Jesus)
  12. Ingens metus nostros invadit - The huge fear that invades us (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  13. Inhumanitas omni aetate molesta est - In humanity is harmful in every age (Cicero)
  14. Inimici sont multi - The enemies are many (Cicero)
  15. Inimicus Expulsus - Enemy Expelled (Pope Lucius II (1144-1145) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Caccianemici, or the enemy hunter)
  16. Initio sapientiae timor Domini - The beginning of knowledge is fear of the Lord (Vulgate - Psalm 111, 9)
  17. Iniuriarum remedium est oblivio - The best remedy for injury is to forget
  18. Inmobilis: Tecum hostes debelamus - Undaunted: With the hosts destroyed
  19. Insanabile cacoëthes scribendi - An incurable vice of writing (Decimus Junius Juvenalis, Satires)
  20. Instaurare omnia in Christo - To restore everything in Christ (Pope Saint Pius X)
  21. Instrumentum vocale - A tool that speaks (Legal term - Refers to slave who did not have an rights)
  22. Intellectum valde ama - Strongly love intelligence (St. Augustine - Epist of Hippo in 120, 3.13: PL 33.459)
  23. Intellectus luminis sicci non est recipit infusionem a voluntate et affectibus - Intellect is not a light that burns without oil, but it is fed by will and passion (Bacon, Novum Organon 1, 49)
  24. Intelligenti pauca - For the intelligent, only a few words (are needed to make him understand)
  25. Intelligo me intelligere - I understand. that I understand (St. Augustine)

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