Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1841

  1. In taberna quando sumus, non curamos quid sit humus - When we are in the tavern, we do not worry about the tomb
  2. In te ipso fons est laetitiae - In yourself is the source of joy (Philosophical term - is used to show that happiness is not something external but in the interior to each person)
  3. In tempore non suspecto - No suspects in time
  4. In tempore oportuno - In the right time
  5. In tempore senectutis - In the old age
  6. In tempore sueborum - In the time of the Swabians
  7. In terminis - In terms (Last place)
  8. In Tribulatione Pacis - In the Disturbance of Peace (Pope Gregory XV (1621-1623) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Vague motto that cannot be associated with his name, birthplace or shield)
  9. In Umbra Igitur Pugnabimus - - Then we will fight in the shadows (Answer given by the Spartans when the emissaries of King Xerxes warned that their arrows would cover the sun)
  10. In utroque felix - Happy in both
  11. In utroque fidelis - Faithful in both
  12. In utroque iure - Both rights (Civil and canon)
  13. In verbis etiam tenuis cautusque serendis dixeris egregie, notum si callida verbum reddiderit iunctura novum - When putting words together is good to do it with nicety and caution, your elegance and talent will be evident if by putting ordinary words together you create a new voice (Horace - Ars Poetica)
  14. In veritate libertas - In truth there is freedom (Motto of the University of Saint Paul in Madrid, Spain)
  15. In veritatis lumine ad amoris vitam - In the light of truth for life in love (Motto Sacred Heart University in Lima-Peru)
  16. In vigilando - In vigilance (Legal term - Obligation to supervise the work of others)
  17. In vinculis etiam audax - In chains yet still bold (Free)
  18. In vino veritas - There is truth in wine (Pliny the Elder - Naturalis Historia - Drunk people cannot keep a secret)
  19. In virtute sunt multi ascensus - In excellence there are many degrees (Cicero)
  20. In vitam aeternam - On the Road to Eternal Life (Ecclesiastical term - Answer given by Prosit after Mass)
  21. In vitro - In glass (Artificially - Test tube)
  22. In vivo - In life
  23. In voce - In voice (Legal term - verbal, not written)
  24. Incertae sedis - Of uncertain positio
  25. Incerto exitu victoriae - Of uncertain victory (Diplomatic term)

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