Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1826

  1. In promptu - Suddenly
  2. In puribus - Naked (It is a corruption of the Latin phrase in puris naturalibus, in a purely natural state)
  3. In rem actionem pati, non compellimur - In the real action is allowed, not compelled (Furius Anthianus (s.III) Digest 6,1,80 )
  4. In sacris - In sacred things
  5. In sanctissima Eucharistia totum bonum spirituale Ecclesiae continetur - The holy Eucharist contains the whole spiritual good of the Church
  6. In secula seculorum - For ages of ages (Forever and ever)
  7. In silico - In silicon (made by a computer)
  8. In silvam ne ligna feras - Don't carry logs into the forest (Horace)
  9. In situ - In site (compare with in vitro)
  10. In solidum - Solid, total (Legal term)
  11. In solutum - In soluble, in payment (Legal term )
  12. In spiritu et veritate - In spirit and truth
  13. In spiritus remigio vita - Life is in the wingbeat of the spirit (Motto of the
  14. In statu quo ante - The way things were before (Diplomatic term compare with status quo)
  15. In sterquiliniis invenitur - In filth (shit) it will be found (Alchemy: What you desire most will be found where you least expect it (to be found))
  16. In sudore vultus tui ovesceris pane donec revertaris in terram de qua sumptus es quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris - By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken (Vulgate - Genesis 3, 19)
  17. In taberna quando sumus, non curamos quid sit humus - When we are in the tavern, we do not worry about the tomb
  18. In te ipso fons est laetitiae - In yourself is the source of joy (Philosophical term - is used to show that happiness is not something external but in the interior to each person)
  19. In tempore non suspecto - No suspects in time
  20. In tempore oportuno - In the right time
  21. In tempore senectutis - In the old age
  22. In tempore sueborum - In the time of the Swabians
  23. In terminis - In terms (Last place)
  24. In Tribulatione Pacis - In the Disturbance of Peace (Pope Gregory XV (1621-1623) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Vague motto that cannot be associated with his name, birthplace or shield)
  25. In Umbra Igitur Pugnabimus - - Then we will fight in the shadows (Answer given by the Spartans when the emissaries of King Xerxes warned that their arrows would cover the sun)

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