Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1734

  1. In aere aedificare - Built in the air (Augustine)
  2. In aeternum - In eternity
  3. In albis - In white
  4. In alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides - You see a louse on someone else, but not a tick on yourself. (Petronius)
  5. In ambiguo - In ambiguity
  6. In amicitia nihil fictum est, nihil simulatum, et quidquid est, id est verum et voluntarium - In friendship there is nothing fictitious, nothing simulated, and it is in fact true and voluntary (Cicero - de Amicitia)
  7. In anima vili - In vile soul
  8. In articulo mortis - At the point of death (Legal term)
  9. In at flamma cardia - In the fire of my heart (Love phrase)
  10. In Audacibus Saevi - Fierce in daring matters (Motto of Marine Aircraft Group 36 - Thank you: a. jefferson )
  11. In bello primum - The first in wa
  12. In cassum missae preces - Prayers in vain (Livy - Threating letters sent to Rome in 480c)
  13. In cauda venenum - In the tail, poison (Letters that start nice, but end with an insult)
  14. In claris non fit interpretatio - When [the law] is clear, it does not need interpretation (Legal term)
  15. In Cogitationem nemo Patitur - In ideas there is no punishment (Legal term - Domitius Ulpianus - Digest 48.19.18)
  16. In Commendam - In trust (Ecclesiastical term - Benefits, such as land, given by the Church on a temporary basis)
  17. In continenti - Immediately
  18. In Contractus Qui Habet Tractus Succesivus Vel Dependentiam de Tempus, Pacta Sunt Servanda, Rebus Sic Stantibus Intelliguntur - In those contracts whose nature is ran in the course of time, we will be slaves of our promises to the extent that the subsequent reality is the same as which it was when we entered the contract (Ordinus - Pacta sunt servanda)
  19. In Corde Jesu et Mariae - In the heart of Jesus and Mary
  20. In cordibus omnium - In the heart of all
  21. In curia - In court (Ecclesiastical term)
  22. In diebus illis ... - In those days .. (Vulgate - Used at the start of a narration)
  23. In diem - In day (Legal term - See: Aditio in diem)
  24. In Domina - In our Lady (Thank you: Marianne Trace)
  25. In dubiis non est agendum - If there is a doubt, do not act

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