Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1718

  1. Imaginis honor ad prototypum pervenit - The honor rendered to an image goes to the prototype. (Ecclesiastical term - Explains that the veneration of images is addressed not to the image itself, but the person it represents)
  2. Imberbum sacerdotis - Sacred, with no beard (oath)
  3. Impedio iniuriam cum possum - I prevent injustice whenever I can
  4. Imperator - Emperor (Commander of the Army -Abbreviated as Imp.)
  5. Imperium - Empire (Abbreviated as IMP.)
  6. Imperium et Libertas - Empire and Liberty (Cicero)
  7. Imperium proconsulare maius et infinitum - Empire Preconsul Major and infinite (A legal description of Caesar August's perpetual powers given by the Senate)
  8. Implebentur campi tui fertilitate - Clouds yours fertilize fields (Motto of the Municipality of Alberto Adriani in Merida, Venezuela)
  9. Impossibilium nulla obligatio est - The impossible can not be an oblication (Legal term - Corpus Iuris Civilis)
  10. Imprimatur - Print (. Word that was put after Nihil obstat. Can be printed, because they are no obstacle in terms of censorship)
  11. Imprimi potest - Permission to print
  12. Imprimisque hominis est propria veri inquisito atque investigatio - It is the duty of man to seek the truth
  13. Imprudencia punible - Punishable imprudence (Legal term - Actions and omissions are only punishable only when expressly provided by law)
  14. In absentia - In absence (Legal term)
  15. In absentia luci, tenebrae vinciunt - In absence of light, darkness prevails In acto - In the act (Legal term)
  16. In acto - In the act
  17. In aere aedificare - Built in the air (Augustine)
  18. In aeternum - In eternity
  19. In albis - In white
  20. In alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides - You see a louse on someone else, but not a tick on yourself. (Petronius)
  21. In ambiguo - In ambiguity
  22. In amicitia nihil fictum est, nihil simulatum, et quidquid est, id est verum et voluntarium - In friendship there is nothing fictitious, nothing simulated, and it is in fact true and voluntary (Cicero - de Amicitia)
  23. In anima vili - In vile soul
  24. In articulo mortis - At the point of death (Legal term)
  25. In at flamma cardia - In the fire of my heart (Love phrase)

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