Ad hominem - To the man (Diplomatic and Legal term - Attack against the man instead of the facts. An “argument ad hominem” tries to discredit the man, instead of his arguments)
Ad hominen tu quoque - Directed to the man, you too (Legal and philosophical term - You too fallacy - Two wrongs make a right - Argumentum ad hominem that consists of defending oneself by accusing the accuser of the same crime)
Ad Honorem - In honor of (Epigraphy abbreviated as AH)
Ad idem - Of the same (Legal term - Meeting of the minds - Both parties of the contract understand and accept the terms)
Ad Iesum Per Mariam - To Jesus by Mary (Ecclesiastical term)
Ad illic - In that place (Legal term)
Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur - No one is obligated to perform the impossible (Legal term)
Ad inferos - Towards hell (Ecclesiastical term)
Ad infinitum - To infinity (Mathematical term - process or operation is to be carried out endlessly)
Ad infra - From below
Ad inquirendum - To the inquiry (Legal term - Court mandate inquiry of anything related to the case)
Ad interim - In the meantime (Temporarily - Abbreviated as a.i.)
Ad invicem - Reciprocal
Ad iuditium - From judgement (Legal term)
Ad iustitiam per ius - Towards justice by right (Motto of Faculty of Law at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico)
Ad libertatem per universitatem - To liberty through university (Academic Term - Motto of the Autonomous National University of Nicaragua)
Ad libitum - At will (Legal Term abbreviated as ad lib.)
Ad limina apostolorum - To the threshold of apostles (Ecclesiastical term - Referring to the pilgrimage to the tombs of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome)
Ad litem - For the suit (Legal term - "guardian ad litem" refers to a party appointed by a court to represent the interests of another)
Ad litteram - Literly (Exactly, to the letter)
Ad maiora nati sumus - We are born for greater things
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam - For the greater glory of God (Ecclesiastical term - Motto of the Jesuit order - Often found inscribed in many cathedrals abbreviated as A.M.D.G.)
Ad maiorem Matris Gloriam - For the greater glory of the mother (Ecclesiastical term - Refers to the Church and Virgin Mary)
Ad marginem - At margin (Grammatical term - Notes written in a book outside the main text)
Ad metalla - To the mines (Sentence equivalent to forced labor)