Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1668

  1. Hymni ad processionem - Processional Hymns (Ecclesiastical term - During the procession before and after Mass)
  2. Hymni ad Sextam - Hymns for the sixth hour (Ecclesiastical term)
  3. Hymni ad Tertiam - Hymns for the third hour (Ecclesiastical term)
  4. Hymni ad Vesperas - Hymns for Vespers (Ecclesiastical term)
  5. Hymnus omnibus sanctis eius - A Hymn for All Saints (Ecclesiastical term)
  6. Hypotheses non fingo - I feign no hypotheses (Isaac Newton)
  7. Iactura paucorum serva multos - We sacrifice the few to save the many (Military logic - Thank you: Ed Persons)
  8. Iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto - Now a new generation is let down from Heaven above (Virgil - Eclogues IV, 7)
  9. Iam servi fugere apparabant cum erus adfuit - The servants were preparing to flee when the master appeared
  10. Ibi deficit orbis - Here ends the world
  11. Ibidem - In the same place (Grammatical term - Used in footnotes to indicate that the reference/source is the same as above - abbreviated as Id. or Ibid.)
  12. Ibit, ibit eo quo vis qui zonam perdidit - The one who has lost his money-belt will go where you wish (Horace - Epistulae II - In reference to soldiers that lose their will to fight after they gain possessions that they want to preserve, but once the lose them they are willing to fight again)
  13. Id bonum cura quod vetustate fit melius - Take care of the good since it improves with age (Seneca Epistulae ad Lucilium II, 15, 5)
  14. Id certum est quod certum reddi potest - That is certain that can be made certain (Legal term)
  15. Id est - That is (Grammatical term abbreviated as i.e.)
  16. Id pro vero solum habendum est in Scripturis divinis, quod LXX interpretes transtulerunt: quoniam id solum est quod auctoritate apostolica confirmatum est - We must only consider as truth of God, what the 70 translators transmitted to us, as only this has been confirmed by apostolic authority (Rufino affirmation)
  17. Id quod plerumque accidit - Things that occur frequently (Legal term - Legal Status of assumptions)
  18. Id quod semper aequum ac bonum est, ius dicitur - That what is always fair and good, it's called justice (Legal term)
  19. Idem Corpus - Identity of the body (Legal term - Identity of the lost item, the same object)
  20. Idem Eadem Idem - One and the same
  21. Idem per idem - One for the same
  22. Idoneus homo - A proper man (Legal term)
  23. Iesus Hic Sacramentum - The Sacrament of Jesus (Abbreviated as IHS)
  24. Iesus Hominum Salvator - Jesus Savior of men (Abbreviated as IHS)
  25. Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum - Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews (Inscribed on top of Jesus' cross - Vulgate: Matthew 27,37, Mark 15,26; Luke 23,38; and y John 19,19 - Abbreviated as INRI)

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