Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1654

  1. Hosanna, filio David - Hosanna to the Son of David (Vulgate - Mark 11.9)
  2. Hosanna in excelsis - Happiness! in Heaven (Ecclesiastical term )
  3. Hostis humani generis - Enemy of humankind
  4. Humanae vitae - Human life (Encyclical letter written by Pope Paul VI)
  5. Humani generis - Human race (Encyclical letter written by Pope Pius XII)
  6. Humanitas divergit - Humanity diverges (Humanity spreads)
  7. Humanius credere filium ditius vixise - It is most human to think that the son will survive (Legal term - In an accident where both son and father die, it is presumed that the father died first - Javolenus - Digest 34,5,9,22)
  8. Humillitas veritas est - Humility is truth
  9. Hunc librum synodus nicaena in numero sanctarum Scripturarum legitur computasse - The Nicene Council considered that this book is part of Scripture (St. Jerome, referring to the Book of Judith)
  10. Hunc oro sine me furere ante furorem - I beg you, let me be mad with this madness before death comes (Virgil - Aeneid XII, 680)
  11. Huncine hominem hancine impudentiam iudices hanc audaciam - What a man, what shamelessness, judges, what boldness (Cicero - Verrinaes, V )
  12. Hyacinthus medicorum - Hyacinth physicians (Motto of Pope Paul III (1534-1549), according to the prophecies of St. Malachy)
  13. Hymni ad Matutinam - Morning Hymns (Ecclesiastical term)
  14. Hymni ad Nocturnas - Night Hymns (Ecclesiastical term)
  15. Hymni ad Nonam - Noon Hymns (Ecclesiastical term)
  16. Hymni ad processionem - Processional Hymns (Ecclesiastical term - During the procession before and after Mass)
  17. Hymni ad Sextam - Hymns for the sixth hour (Ecclesiastical term)
  18. Hymni ad Tertiam - Hymns for the third hour (Ecclesiastical term)
  19. Hymni ad Vesperas - Hymns for Vespers (Ecclesiastical term)
  20. Hymnus omnibus sanctis eius - A Hymn for All Saints (Ecclesiastical term)
  21. Hypotheses non fingo - I feign no hypotheses (Isaac Newton)
  22. Iactura paucorum serva multos - We sacrifice the few to save the many (Military logic - Thank you: Ed Persons)
  23. Iam nova progenies caelo demittitur alto - Now a new generation is let down from Heaven above (Virgil - Eclogues IV, 7)
  24. Iam servi fugere apparabant cum erus adfuit - The servants were preparing to flee when the master appeared
  25. Ibi deficit orbis - Here ends the world

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