Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1647

  1. Horae quidem cedunt et dies et menses et anni - The hours certainly pass, and the days, the months and the years - (Cicero)
  2. Horas non numero nisi serenas - I don't count the hours unless they're tranquil (Phrase inscribed in a sundial)
  3. Horribile dictu - Horrible to say
  4. Horror vacui - Fear of empty space
  5. Hos ego versiculos feci, tulit alter honores:
        Sic vos non vobis nidificatis aves,
        Sic vos non vobis vellera fertis oves
        Sic vos non vobis mellificatis apes
        Sic vos non vobis fertis aratra boves
    I wrote these lines, someone else took the honors:
          so you do not nest for yourselves, birds,
          so you are not carrying wool for yourselves sheep,
          so you do not make for yourselves honey, bees,
          so you do not wear the plow to yourselves, oxen.
  6. Hosanna benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini - Happiness! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord (Vulgate - Mark 11,9)
  7. Hosanna, filio David - Hosanna to the Son of David (Vulgate - Mark 11.9)
  8. Hosanna in excelsis - Happiness! in Heaven (Ecclesiastical term )
  9. Hostis humani generis - Enemy of humankind
  10. Humanae vitae - Human life (Encyclical letter written by Pope Paul VI)
  11. Humani generis - Human race (Encyclical letter written by Pope Pius XII)
  12. Humanitas divergit - Humanity diverges (Humanity spreads)
  13. Humanius credere filium ditius vixise - It is most human to think that the son will survive (Legal term - In an accident where both son and father die, it is presumed that the father died first - Javolenus - Digest 34,5,9,22)
  14. Humillitas veritas est - Humility is truth
  15. Hunc librum synodus nicaena in numero sanctarum Scripturarum legitur computasse - The Nicene Council considered that this book is part of Scripture (St. Jerome, referring to the Book of Judith)
  16. Hunc oro sine me furere ante furorem - I beg you, let me be mad with this madness before death comes (Virgil - Aeneid XII, 680)
  17. Huncine hominem hancine impudentiam iudices hanc audaciam - What a man, what shamelessness, judges, what boldness (Cicero - Verrinaes, V )
  18. Hyacinthus medicorum - Hyacinth physicians (Motto of Pope Paul III (1534-1549), according to the prophecies of St. Malachy)
  19. Hymni ad Matutinam - Morning Hymns (Ecclesiastical term)
  20. Hymni ad Nocturnas - Night Hymns (Ecclesiastical term)
  21. Hymni ad Nonam - Noon Hymns (Ecclesiastical term)
  22. Hymni ad processionem - Processional Hymns (Ecclesiastical term - During the procession before and after Mass)
  23. Hymni ad Sextam - Hymns for the sixth hour (Ecclesiastical term)
  24. Hymni ad Tertiam - Hymns for the third hour (Ecclesiastical term)
  25. Hymni ad Vesperas - Hymns for Vespers (Ecclesiastical term)

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