Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 159

  1. Ad curram et communico - To care is to share (The St Patrick's School Military Band's motto translated into latin)
  2. Ad effectum vivendi et probandi - To the effect of being seen and proven (Legal term)
  3. Ad ephesios - To the Ephesians (One of the books in the Vulgate - It also refers to words to the wind, or to speak without being listen to)
  4. Ad ephesios - To the Ephisians (Vulgate - Letter to Paul to the inhabitants of Ephesus, where he encourages them to banish falsehood and to behave as wise men)
  5. Ad eundem gradum - Admitted to the same degree (Academic term - Where one university admits at the same level as he/she achieved in another)
  6. Ad eundum qui nemo ante iit - To go boldly go where no man has gone before (Theme of the series Star Trek)
  7. Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit - To boldly go where no man has gone before (Latin translation of Star Trek's motto)
  8. Ad finem - To the end
  9. Ad futuram rei memoriam - For the future memory of this matte
  10. Ad gloriam - For glory
  11. Ad hic - In this place
  12. Ad hoc - For the immediate purpose (Legal term - It is used to described something that was meant for one purpose, but it is used for another. For example, a knife could be used "ad hoc" as a screwdriver. It could also mean the opposite. For example, a law was passed "ad hoc" to help the victims of a disaster)
  13. Ad hominem - To the man (Diplomatic and Legal term - Attack against the man instead of the facts. An “argument ad hominem” tries to discredit the man, instead of his arguments)
  14. Ad hominen tu quoque - Directed to the man, you too (Legal and philosophical term - You too fallacy - Two wrongs make a right - Argumentum ad hominem that consists of defending oneself by accusing the accuser of the same crime)
  15. Ad Honorem - In honor of (Epigraphy abbreviated as AH)
  16. Ad idem - Of the same (Legal term - Meeting of the minds - Both parties of the contract understand and accept the terms)
  17. Ad Iesum Per Mariam - To Jesus by Mary (Ecclesiastical term)
  18. Ad illic - In that place (Legal term)
  19. Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur - No one is obligated to perform the impossible (Legal term)
  20. Ad inferos - Towards hell (Ecclesiastical term)
  21. Ad infinitum - To infinity (Mathematical term - process or operation is to be carried out endlessly)
  22. Ad infra - From below
  23. Ad inquirendum - To the inquiry (Legal term - Court mandate inquiry of anything related to the case)
  24. Ad interim - In the meantime (Temporarily - Abbreviated as a.i.)
  25. Ad invicem - Reciprocal

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