Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1559

  1. Gravis ira regum est semper - The grave anger of kings is forever.
  2. Grecia capta ferum captorem cepit - The Conquered Greece conquered the fierce conqueror
  3. Grosso modo - Gross way (roughly)
  4. Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo - The drop hollows out the stone by frequent dropping, not by force (Ovid)
  5. Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum - You should have the body for submitting (Legal term - The right of the prisoner to go to court)
  6. Habeas Data - You should have the data (Legal term - Laws related to privacy and security of data)
  7. Habent sua fata libelli - Books have their fate
  8. Habeo conscientiam nitidam est habeo non bonam memoriam - Having a clear conscience is to have bad memory
  9. Habere facias possessionem - That you cause to have possession (Legal term - Action taken to have possession of a property)
  10. Hac hoc ergo protect hoc - This is therefore protect this
  11. Hac sunt in fossa Bedae Venerabilis ossa - In this tomb lie the remains of the Venerable Bede (Epitaph on the tomb of St Bede )
  12. Haec aqua bendita sit nobis salus et vita - Let this holy water bless us with health and life (Ecclesiastical term - Used when crossing themselves with holy water)
  13. Haec ego non multis (scribo), sed tibi: satis enim magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus - I am writing this not to many, but to you: certainly we are a great enough audience for each other (Epicurus)
  14. Haec habeo, quae edi quaeque exsaturata libido hausit; at iacent multa et praeclara relicta - I have these things: all that I ate, all that satisfied my sexual desire; here lie many illustrious remains (Cicero - Tusculanae disputationes 5:101 - Epitaph)
  15. Haec oportet facere, sed illa non omittere - This should do it, but without omitting that
  16. Hannibal ad portas - Hannibal is at the gates (Warning to the Roman senate that Hannibal was approaching Rome at the second Punic War - Later it became a phrase that roman parents used to scare their children into behaving)
  17. Helluo librorum - A devourer of books (A bookworm)
  18. Hic Deum Adora - Here worship God
  19. Hic est domus dei et porta coeli - This is the House of God and the Gate of Heaven (Inscribed in Churches)
  20. Hic est enim calix sanguinis mei novi et aeterni testamenti, mysterium fidei, qui pro vobis et pro multis effundetur in remissionem peccatorum - For this is the chalice of My blood of the new and eternal testament, the mystery of faith, which shall be shed for you and for many for the remission of sins (Ecclesiastical term - words spoken in the Consecration of the wine)
  21. Hic est filius meus dilectus - This is My beloved Son (Vulgate - Matthew 3,1)
  22. Hic et nunc - Here and now
  23. Hic finis doloris vitae - Here ends the pain of life. ( Thank you: mauro )
  24. Hic iacet lepus - Here lies the hare (Here is the solution)
  25. Hic incipit vita nova - Here Begins the New Life

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