Gratias agere - To give thanks ((Ecclesiastical term)
Gratis data - Given for free (Legal term)
Gratis et Amore - Free (of charge) and love
Gratis pro Deo - Free (of charge) by God
Gravia onera sunt pauperas et senectus - The heavy loads are poverty and old age
Gravis ira regum est semper - The grave anger of kings is forever.
Grecia capta ferum captorem cepit - The Conquered Greece conquered the fierce conqueror
Grosso modo - Gross way (roughly)
Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo - The drop hollows out the stone by frequent dropping, not by force (Ovid)
Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum - You should have the body for submitting (Legal term - The right of the prisoner to go to court)
Habeas Data - You should have the data (Legal term - Laws related to privacy and security of data)
Habent sua fata libelli - Books have their fate
Habeo conscientiam nitidam est habeo non bonam memoriam - Having a clear conscience is to have bad memory
Habere facias possessionem - That you cause to have possession (Legal term - Action taken to have possession of a property)
Hac hoc ergo protect hoc - This is therefore protect this
Hac sunt in fossa Bedae Venerabilis ossa - In this tomb lie the remains of the Venerable Bede (Epitaph on the tomb of St Bede )
Haec aqua bendita sit nobis salus et vita - Let this holy water bless us with health and life (Ecclesiastical term - Used when crossing themselves with holy water)
Haec ego non multis (scribo), sed tibi: satis enim magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus - I am writing this not to many, but to you: certainly we are a great enough audience for each other (Epicurus)
Haec habeo, quae edi quaeque exsaturata libido hausit; at iacent multa et praeclara relicta - I have these things: all that I ate, all that satisfied my sexual desire; here lie many illustrious remains (Cicero - Tusculanae disputationes 5:101 - Epitaph)
Haec oportet facere, sed illa non omittere - This should do it, but without omitting that
Hannibal ad portas - Hannibal is at the gates (Warning to the Roman senate that Hannibal was approaching Rome at the second Punic War - Later it became a phrase that roman parents used to scare their children into behaving)
Helluo librorum - A devourer of books (A bookworm)
Hic Deum Adora - Here worship God
Hic est domus dei et porta coeli - This is the House of God and the Gate of Heaven (Inscribed in Churches)