Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1543

  1. Gloriam sapientes possidebunt - The glory will be of the wise (Proverbs 3-35 Vulgate)
  2. Gloriosa dicta sunt de te - Glorious things are said of thee (Vulgate - Book of Psalms, Psalm 86)
  3. Gloriosus et liber - Glorious and free (Motto of Manitoba, Canada)
  4. Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artis intulit agresti Latio - The Conquered Greece conquered her fierce conqueror and brought the arts into the rustic Latium (Horace Epistles concerning the influence of the Greeks in the Roman arts and science)
  5. Graecum est; non potest legi - It is Greek; it cannot be read (It is all Greek to me)
  6. Grammatici certant - The grammarians are arguing (Horace - Ars Poetica 78)
  7. Grandes Litteras - Big letters
  8. Grata superveniet, quae non sperabitur, hora! - Welcome will arrive, at the hour that was not hoped for (Horace)
  9. Gratia dei - Glory of God (Motto of the Belloch family)
  10. Gratia non tollit naturam sed perficit - Grace does not take away nature but perfects it. (Saint Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologiae I)
  11. Gratia plena - Full of grace
  12. Gratias agere - To give thanks ((Ecclesiastical term)
  13. Gratis data - Given for free (Legal term)
  14. Gratis et Amore - Free (of charge) and love
  15. Gratis pro Deo - Free (of charge) by God
  16. Gravia onera sunt pauperas et senectus - The heavy loads are poverty and old age
  17. Gravis ira regum est semper - The grave anger of kings is forever.
  18. Grecia capta ferum captorem cepit - The Conquered Greece conquered the fierce conqueror
  19. Grosso modo - Gross way (roughly)
  20. Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo - The drop hollows out the stone by frequent dropping, not by force (Ovid)
  21. Habeas Corpus ad subjiciendum - You should have the body for submitting (Legal term - The right of the prisoner to go to court)
  22. Habeas Data - You should have the data (Legal term - Laws related to privacy and security of data)
  23. Habent sua fata libelli - Books have their fate
  24. Habeo conscientiam nitidam est habeo non bonam memoriam - Having a clear conscience is to have bad memory
  25. Habere facias possessionem - That you cause to have possession (Legal term - Action taken to have possession of a property)

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