Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1522

  1. Gens Perversa - The Corrupt Family (Pope Paul V (1605-1621) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies)
  2. Gens una sumus - We are all one family (Motto of the World Chess Federation - Fédération Internationale des Échecs - FIDE)
  3. Genuflectant omnes in plano - All kneel at the same level (Ecclesiastical term)
  4. Genus deliberatium - Deliberative speech
  5. Genus irritabilevatum - Irritable race
  6. Genus nunquam perit - The genre does not die (Legal term - contract in genere instead of in specie)
  7. Gerere pro patrono - Manage on behalf of the master (Legal Term - The right of a slave to represent the master in legal matters)
  8. Gigni de nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti - Nothing is generated from nothing, nothing returns to nothing (Philosophical term - Persius Satires I, 111, 83)
  9. Gladiator in arena consilium capit - The gladiator is formulating his plan in the arena (Too late - Seneca)
  10. Glaucas ad Athenas portare - Taking owls to Athens (Similar to "selling ice to Eskimos" - Owls were a real plague in Athens)
  11. Globos meos lambe - Lick my balls
  12. Gloria Fortis Miles - The glory of a brave soldier
  13. Gloria in altissimis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis - Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who have his good will! (Vulgate - Luke 2, 14)
  14. Gloria in excelsis Deo - Glory to God in heaven (Ecclesiastical term)
  15. Gloria Olivae - The Glory of the Olive or "To the Olive" (Pope Benedict XVI (2005-2013) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say that it is because Order of St. Benedict is also known as the olivetans. However, Pope Benedict did not belong to that Order. He just picked the name Benedict)
  16. Gloria Patri - Glory to the Father (Ecclesiastical term)
  17. Gloria Patri, et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principium, et nunc et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen - Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, it is now and will be forever and ever. Amen (Ecclesiastical term - Christian prayer)
  18. Gloria quaeritur multis - Glory is desired by many
  19. Gloria victis - Glory to the conquered
  20. Gloria virtutis umbra - Glory is the shadow of virtue
  21. Gloriam Dei Nostri Ave Satani Lucifeis Excellsis - Glory to Our Lord Satan, Highest Bearer of Light (Motto of the Gnostic Church of Satan )
  22. Gloriam sapientes possidebunt - The glory will be of the wise (Proverbs 3-35 Vulgate)
  23. Gloriosa dicta sunt de te - Glorious things are said of thee (Vulgate - Book of Psalms, Psalm 86)
  24. Gloriosus et liber - Glorious and free (Motto of Manitoba, Canada)
  25. Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artis intulit agresti Latio - The Conquered Greece conquered her fierce conqueror and brought the arts into the rustic Latium (Horace Epistles concerning the influence of the Greeks in the Roman arts and science)

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