Ad auxilium vocatus - The one called to help (Legal term - ad-vocatus = lawyer)
Ad avizandum - To further consider ( The term employed when a Scottish Court takes further time for the consideration of a cause, instead of pronouncing an immediate decision upon it. The Court is said to ‘take the case ad avizandum’ or to ‘make avizandum of the case’”. This Latinate word is one of the many Scottish legal terms that is not heard in English Courts - Thank you: Alasdair Rankin )
Ad bene placitum - For good pleasure
Ad bona - For the good (Legal term - Used in the frase "curator ad bona" in reference to the guardian of estate of minor)
Ad calendas graecas / Ad kalendas graecas - At the Greek Kalendas (Never!! The greeks did not mark time in Kalendas)
Ad captandum vulgus - To capture the people (Political term - Appeal to the masses - To win over the crowds)
Ad cautelam - As a precaution (Legal term - Refers to a docuement that is not necessary, but it is filed just in case)
Ad clerum - To the clergy (Ecclesiastical term)
Ad curram et communico - To care is to share (The St Patrick's School Military Band's motto translated into latin)
Ad effectum vivendi et probandi - To the effect of being seen and proven (Legal term)
Ad ephesios - To the Ephesians (One of the books in the Vulgate - It also refers to words to the wind, or to speak without being listen to)
Ad ephesios - To the Ephisians (Vulgate - Letter to Paul to the inhabitants of Ephesus, where he encourages them to banish falsehood and to behave as wise men)
Ad eundem gradum - Admitted to the same degree (Academic term - Where one university admits at the same level as he/she achieved in another)
Ad eundum qui nemo ante iit - To go boldly go where no man has gone before (Theme of the series Star Trek)
Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit - To boldly go where no man has gone before (Latin translation of Star Trek's motto)
Ad finem - To the end
Ad futuram rei memoriam - For the future memory of this matte
Ad gloriam - For glory
Ad hic - In this place
Ad hoc - For the immediate purpose (Legal term - It is used to described something that was meant for one purpose, but it is used for another. For example, a knife could be used "ad hoc" as a screwdriver. It could also mean the opposite. For example, a law was passed "ad hoc" to help the victims of a disaster)
Ad hominem - To the man (Diplomatic and Legal term - Attack against the man instead of the facts. An “argument ad hominem” tries to discredit the man, instead of his arguments)
Ad hominen tu quoque - Directed to the man, you too (Legal and philosophical term - You too fallacy - Two wrongs make a right - Argumentum ad hominem that consists of defending oneself by accusing the accuser of the same crime)
Ad Honorem - In honor of (Epigraphy abbreviated as AH)
Ad idem - Of the same (Legal term - Meeting of the minds - Both parties of the contract understand and accept the terms)
Ad Iesum Per Mariam - To Jesus by Mary (Ecclesiastical term)