Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1509

  1. Fumus boni iuris - Appears good in the eye of the law (Legal term - there is something that allows one to perceive that the demand is valid)
  2. Functus officio - Having performed his office (Legal Term - Indicates that the person no longer has the power he/she once had when in office)
  3. Fundamentum divisionis - Basis of division (The basis, or specific difference between classes, of a classification)
  4. Fundamentum iustitiae, primum est ne cui noceatur - The first foundation of justice is not to harm others (Legal term - Cicero - De Officiis I, 10, 31)
  5. Furor arma ministrat - Rage provides arms (Virgil - Aeneid I, 150)
  6. Futuere - Get fuck
  7. Futurs et mori in igni - Fuck off and die in a fire
  8. Futurum Edificamus - We construct the future (Motto University of Colombia)
  9. Gallaecia dapes - Galician delicacies
  10. Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres - Gaul is divided into three parts (Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico )
  11. Gallus Vicecomes - A French Viscount (Pope Urban V (1362-1370) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - French by birth and viscount of Milan)
  12. Garum sociorum - Allied Garum (garum variety of characteristic dark color and very famous in Rome. Considered as one of the highest quality sociorum Garum. It was made in fisheries in Spartaria Carthago (now Cartagena, Spain) using primarily rubble fish (mackerel). It was sent to Rome in large quantities, where they paid very high prices and was consumed only by the upper strata of society)
  13. Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus - Let us rejoice, then, while we are youn
  14. Gens Perversa - The Corrupt Family (Pope Paul V (1605-1621) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies)
  15. Gens una sumus - We are all one family (Motto of the World Chess Federation - Fédération Internationale des Échecs - FIDE)
  16. Genuflectant omnes in plano - All kneel at the same level (Ecclesiastical term)
  17. Genus deliberatium - Deliberative speech
  18. Genus irritabilevatum - Irritable race
  19. Genus nunquam perit - The genre does not die (Legal term - contract in genere instead of in specie)
  20. Gerere pro patrono - Manage on behalf of the master (Legal Term - The right of a slave to represent the master in legal matters)
  21. Gigni de nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti - Nothing is generated from nothing, nothing returns to nothing (Philosophical term - Persius Satires I, 111, 83)
  22. Gladiator in arena consilium capit - The gladiator is formulating his plan in the arena (Too late - Seneca)
  23. Glaucas ad Athenas portare - Taking owls to Athens (Similar to "selling ice to Eskimos" - Owls were a real plague in Athens)
  24. Globos meos lambe - Lick my balls
  25. Gloria Fortis Miles - The glory of a brave soldier

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