Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1426
- Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas - Happy is the one who is able to know the causes of things (Virgil - Georgics II, 490)
- Felix sit annus novus - Happy new year
- Femina faeda livet si ornatur pulchra videtur - An ugly woman lives as if she was beautiful, if she equips herself
- Feminae saepius lineis amictibus velantur nudae brachia et lacertos - Women often are covered with linen sheets, wearing bare arms and shoulders (Tacitus)
- Feminas opacant homines. Mulier sententiosa in humanitas eminet - Women appease men. A sententious woman stands out in the humanity,
- Fenus pecuniae, funus animae - Love of money, Death of soul
- Ferae pericula quae vident fugiunt - The beasts flee the dangers they see (Seneca)
- Fere libenter homines, id quod volunt, credunt - People almost always willingly believe what you want (Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico, III, 18)
- Ferendae sententiae - Sentence to be made (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ferre quam sortem patiunfur omnes nemo recusat - Nobody refuses to endure what everyone else bears
- Festina lente - Make haste slowly
- Fetus in fetu - Fetus in fetus (Term introduced by Meckel to refer to cases in which one twin (Parasitic Twin) is found within the other twin that serves as host)
- Fetus sequitur ventrem - The child follows the mother (Legal term - whoever owns the mother, owns the slave - Whoever owns the cow owns the calf - If the mother is free, so is the child)
- Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus - Let there be justice, though the world perishes (Legal term)
- Fiat iustitia, ruat caelum - Let there be justice, though the sky falls (Legal term)
- Fiat lux - Let there be light (Vulgate - Genesis 1, 3)
- Fiat Panis - Let there be bread (Motto of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
- Fiat voluntas tua - Thy Will shall be done (Vulgate, Matthew 6,10)
- Ficta confessio - Fictitious confession (Legal term - If the defendant does not go to refute the charges against him, that confession is admissible)
- Fide et Amore - Fidelity and Love (Motto of the city of Osorno, Chile)
- Fidei defensor - Defender of the faith (Title conferred to the king of England - Abbreviated as F.D.)
- Fides deo - Fidelity to Go
- Fides est patria - Fidelity is motherland
- Fides et ratio - Faith and reason (Encyclical letter written by pope John Paul II)
- Fides inmota manet - Faith does not move
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