Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1422

  1. Felix dies natalis - Happy birthday
  2. Felix dies Nativitatis - Merry Christmas
  3. Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas - Happy is the one who is able to know the causes of things (Virgil - Georgics II, 490)
  4. Felix sit annus novus - Happy new year
  5. Femina faeda livet si ornatur pulchra videtur - An ugly woman lives as if she was beautiful, if she equips herself
  6. Feminae saepius lineis amictibus velantur nudae brachia et lacertos - Women often are covered with linen sheets, wearing bare arms and shoulders (Tacitus)
  7. Feminas opacant homines. Mulier sententiosa in humanitas eminet - Women appease men. A sententious woman stands out in the humanity,
  8. Fenus pecuniae, funus animae - Love of money, Death of soul
  9. Ferae pericula quae vident fugiunt - The beasts flee the dangers they see (Seneca)
  10. Fere libenter homines, id quod volunt, credunt - People almost always willingly believe what you want (Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico, III, 18)
  11. Ferendae sententiae - Sentence to be made (Ecclesiastical term)
  12. Ferre quam sortem patiunfur omnes nemo recusat - Nobody refuses to endure what everyone else bears
  13. Festina lente - Make haste slowly
  14. Fetus in fetu - Fetus in fetus (Term introduced by Meckel to refer to cases in which one twin (Parasitic Twin) is found within the other twin that serves as host)
  15. Fetus sequitur ventrem - The child follows the mother (Legal term - whoever owns the mother, owns the slave - Whoever owns the cow owns the calf - If the mother is free, so is the child)
  16. Fiat iustitia, pereat mundus - Let there be justice, though the world perishes (Legal term)
  17. Fiat iustitia, ruat caelum - Let there be justice, though the sky falls (Legal term)
  18. Fiat lux - Let there be light (Vulgate - Genesis 1, 3)
  19. Fiat Panis - Let there be bread (Motto of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
  20. Fiat voluntas tua - Thy Will shall be done (Vulgate, Matthew 6,10)
  21. Ficta confessio - Fictitious confession (Legal term - If the defendant does not go to refute the charges against him, that confession is admissible)
  22. Fide et Amore - Fidelity and Love (Motto of the city of Osorno, Chile)
  23. Fidei defensor - Defender of the faith (Title conferred to the king of England - Abbreviated as F.D.)
  24. Fides deo - Fidelity to Go
  25. Fides est patria - Fidelity is motherland

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