Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1326

  1. Ex gratia - As a favor (Legal term)
  2. Ex ingenio - Through ingenuity
  3. Ex lege - Out of law (Legal term - by operation of law - Thank you: Litsoane Michael )
  4. Ex libris - From the book (Legal term - Inscription that indicates the owner)
  5. Ex Luna, Scientia - From the moon, science (Motto of the Apollo 13 moon mission)
  6. Ex Magnitudine Montis - From the Great Mountain (Pope Eugene III (1145-1153) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Montemagno, big mountain)
  7. Ex malo bonum - The good out of bad
  8. Ex More - According to custom (Legal term)
  9. Ex nihilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing (Philosophical term - Saint Thomas Aquinas)
  10. Ex nom scripto ius venit, quod usus comprobabit. Nam diuturni mores consensu utentium comprobabit, legum imitantur - Unwritten law is the one that validated by use. Because the customs of long duration, that are sanctioned by consensus of those who used them, are similar to the law (Legal term - Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus - Instituta 9,2,3)
  11. Ex notitia victory - To know, to win (Diplomatic Term - CESID Motto (Center for Defense Information) Spanish intelligence services)
  12. Ex novo - New (Starting from scratch)
  13. Ex nunc - From now
  14. Ex officio - By virtue of the office
  15. Ex opere operato - By virtue the work performed (Ecclesiastical term referring to the sacraments)
  16. Ex ore palvulorum veritas - Truth comes out of the mouth of little children
  17. Ex pede Herculem - From Hercules' feet (Philosophical term - very little data is needed to understand who is making a statement)
  18. Ex post facto - After the fact (Legal term - Indicates what the accused did to hide the crime)
  19. Ex Professo - By declaration (Legal term - Expressly)
  20. Ex Rosa Attrebatensi - From the rose of Arras (Motto of Pope Clement VI (1342-1352), according to the prophecies of St. Malachy - He was bishop of Arras and his coat of arms had six roses)
  21. Ex Rosa Leonina - Out of the Leonine Rose (Pope Honorius IV (1285-1287) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arm had two lions holding a rose)
  22. Ex Telonio Liliacei Martini - From the Customs-House of Martin of the Lilies (Pope Martin IV (1281-1285) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was treasurer of St. Martin of Tours)
  23. Ex Tetro Carcere - Out of a Harsh Prison (Antipope Victor IV (1159-1164) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a cardinal of St. Nicholas in the Tullian prison)
  24. Ex textamento - By virtue of the testament (Legal term)
  25. Ex toto corde - With all the hear

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