Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1316

  1. Ex Castro Tiberis - From a castle on the Tiber (Pope Celestine II (1143-1144) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in a castle (Citta) near the Tiber)
  2. Ex catedra - With Authority
  3. Ex collegio - Out of college
  4. Ex consensu - With consensus
  5. Ex corde - From the hear
  6. Ex dono - Out of donation (Legal term)
  7. Ex Eremo Celsus - Elevated From a Hermitage (Pope St. Celestine V (1294) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a hermet, and founded the Celistines (celsus = "high, elevated"))
  8. Ex facto oritur ius - The law arises from the fact (Legal term)
  9. Ex falso quod libet - From false follows what I want (Classical logic - Rule that allows one to derive any proposition from a contradiction)
  10. Ex gratia - As a favor (Legal term)
  11. Ex ingenio - Through ingenuity
  12. Ex lege - Out of law (Legal term - by operation of law - Thank you: Litsoane Michael )
  13. Ex libris - From the book (Legal term - Inscription that indicates the owner)
  14. Ex Luna, Scientia - From the moon, science (Motto of the Apollo 13 moon mission)
  15. Ex Magnitudine Montis - From the Great Mountain (Pope Eugene III (1145-1153) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Montemagno, big mountain)
  16. Ex malo bonum - The good out of bad
  17. Ex More - According to custom (Legal term)
  18. Ex nihilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing (Philosophical term - Saint Thomas Aquinas)
  19. Ex nom scripto ius venit, quod usus comprobabit. Nam diuturni mores consensu utentium comprobabit, legum imitantur - Unwritten law is the one that validated by use. Because the customs of long duration, that are sanctioned by consensus of those who used them, are similar to the law (Legal term - Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus - Instituta 9,2,3)
  20. Ex notitia victory - To know, to win (Diplomatic Term - CESID Motto (Center for Defense Information) Spanish intelligence services)
  21. Ex novo - New (Starting from scratch)
  22. Ex nunc - From now
  23. Ex officio - By virtue of the office
  24. Ex opere operato - By virtue the work performed (Ecclesiastical term referring to the sacraments)
  25. Ex ore palvulorum veritas - Truth comes out of the mouth of little children

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