Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1304

  1. Evangelium vitae - The Gospel of Life (Encyclical letter written by pope John Paul II)
  2. Ex abrupto - Abrutly
  3. Ex abundantia cordis os loquitur - For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart. (Vulgate - Matthew 12, 34)
  4. Ex adverso - In front
  5. Ex aequo - The same (Equal, the same score in a competition)
  6. Ex aequo et bono - Just and good (Legal term)
  7. Ex Africa semper aliquid novi - There is always something new in Africa (Pliny the Elder)
  8. Ex Anima - With the soul in the open
  9. Ex Ansere Custode - Out of the Guardian Goose (Pope Alexander III (1159-1181) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arm had a goose)
  10. Ex aquo - With equal merit (Legal term)
  11. Ex Argent - No silver (stamped Legend of lead ingots from Hispania bound to Rome, stating that they had already extracted the silver)
  12. Ex Astris Scientia - From the stars - Knowledge (Motto of Star Fleet Academy - Star Trek)
  13. Ex Castro Tiberis - From a castle on the Tiber (Pope Celestine II (1143-1144) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in a castle (Citta) near the Tiber)
  14. Ex catedra - With Authority
  15. Ex collegio - Out of college
  16. Ex consensu - With consensus
  17. Ex corde - From the hear
  18. Ex dono - Out of donation (Legal term)
  19. Ex Eremo Celsus - Elevated From a Hermitage (Pope St. Celestine V (1294) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a hermet, and founded the Celistines (celsus = "high, elevated"))
  20. Ex facto oritur ius - The law arises from the fact (Legal term)
  21. Ex falso quod libet - From false follows what I want (Classical logic - Rule that allows one to derive any proposition from a contradiction)
  22. Ex gratia - As a favor (Legal term)
  23. Ex ingenio - Through ingenuity
  24. Ex lege - Out of law (Legal term - by operation of law - Thank you: Litsoane Michael )
  25. Ex libris - From the book (Legal term - Inscription that indicates the owner)

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