Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 129

  1. Actiones non natae non praescribunt - Actions that have not been born, are not prescribed (Legal term)
  2. Activa tantum - Active construction (Grammartical term - Verbs that only have an active voice)
  3. Actor incumbit probatio, reus excipiendo fit actor - The plaintiff must provide proof of the facts alleged, the defendant the exceptions presented (Legal term)
  4. Actore non probante, reus absolvitur - When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved (Legal term)
  5. Actori incumbis onus probandi - The plaintiff must prove the case (Legal term)
  6. Actus me invito pactus, non es meus actus - What I did against my will is not my fault (Legal term)
  7. Actus mortis - Moment of death (Also refers to "fake death" and hypnosis)
  8. Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea - The act does not make a person guilty unless the mind is also guilty (Legal term)
  9. Acu traiectatur duo lina ducente - Thread the needle with two threads
  10. Acuti morbi in quattuordecim diebus iudicantur - Acute illnesses are resolved in fourteen days (Medical Maxim - Hippocrates)
  11. Ad acta - To the archives (Legal term - abbreviated as AA)
  12. Ad acta atra peracta sunt facta atta patrata - For dark acts are prepared dark jails (Legal term in reference to serious crimes)
  13. Ad altare Dei - To the altar of God (Ecclesiastical term)
  14. Ad Altiora, et meliora, semper - Always the highest and the best
  15. Ad altiora tendimus - We hung high (Motto of Superior National Institute faculty in Modern Languages "Juan Ramon Fernandez" in Argentina)
  16. Ad Amphitruo - The Host (Title of a book by Plautus)
  17. Ad aperturam libri - To the open book
  18. Ad aras - To the altars, to the end.
  19. Ad Astra per alas Gryps - To the stars on Gryphon's wings ( Thank you: CAPT(sg) D. )
  20. Ad astra per aspera - To the stars, the hard way (Apollo Motto - missions to the moon)
  21. Ad audiendas confessiones - Confessions in front of the audience (Ecclesiastical term - Test given to a seminarian or transitional deacon who is completing his theological studies)
  22. Ad augusta per angusta - To high places by narrow roads
  23. Ad auxilium vocatus - The one called to help (Legal term - ad-vocatus = lawyer)
  24. Ad avizandum - To further consider ( The term employed when a Scottish Court takes further time for the consideration of a cause, instead of pronouncing an immediate decision upon it. The Court is said to ‘take the case ad avizandum’ or to ‘make avizandum of the case’”. This Latinate word is one of the many Scottish legal terms that is not heard in English Courts - Thank you: Alasdair Rankin )
  25. Ad bene placitum - For good pleasure

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