Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1243

  1. Errando, corrigitur error - Making a mistake, you fix the error (You learn by your mistakes)
  2. Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum, rectificare sapientis est - To err is human, to forgive is divine and to rectify is wise.
  3. Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum - To err is human, to persist in it, is diabolical (Seneca)
  4. Errare humanum est sed in errore perseverare dementia - To err is human, but to insist on the error is crazy
  5. Errata - Error (Grammatical term - Refers to corrections added after the book is published)
  6. Error communis facit ius - The law creates a common mistake. (Legal term)
  7. Error in iudicando - Judicial Error (Legal term)
  8. Error in procedendo - Error in the proceedings (Legal term)
  9. Erudio Procul Imperium - I educate the empire from afar. (Philosophical term)
  10. Es, bibe, lude, veni - Eat, drink, play, come [to the tomb] (Roman epitaph)
  11. Es scortum obscenus villis - Your scrotum is obscenely vile
  12. Es stercus - You are shit
  13. Es stultor asno - You are dumber than an ass
  14. Esse est percipi - To be is to be perceived (Philosophical term - Principle developed by the Irish philosopher George Berkeley (1685-1753)
  15. Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas - Eat to Live, Do not live to eat (Cicero)
  16. Esse quam videri - To be, rather than to see
  17. Esse quam videri bonus malebat - He preferred to be good rather than to merely seem good (Gaius Sallustius Crispus)
  18. Est idoneum bello - It is suitable for war
  19. Est modus in rebus - There is a middle ground in things (Horace Satires)
  20. Est oppidum in Hispania quod Carthago Nova appellatur - There is a population in Spain is called New Carthage
  21. Est quaedam flere voluptas - There's a kind of pleasure in crying
  22. Est unusquisque faber ipsae suae fortunae - Each and every person is the maker of his own fortune
  23. Esto brevis et placebis - Be brief and you will be pleasant
  24. Esto Perpetua - Let it be perpetual (Motto of the State of Idaho - Appears on the back of the 2007 Idaho quarter - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino)
  25. Esto vir - Be a man

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