Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1225
- Eo ipso - By that fact itself (Philosophical term - By that fact alone)
- Epicuri de grege porcus - Pig of Epicurus's herd (Material pleasures)
- Episcopus in partibus - Bishop in part (Ecclesiastical term - Titular Bishop who does not have jurisdiction)
- Epistola excusatoria - A letter of excuse (Legal term)
- Epistula non erubescit - A letter does not blush (Cicero - Love letter or letter of apology)
- Epphetha, epphetha - Open yourself, open yourself (Ecclesiastical term - It is an Aramaic word meaning open yourself, which was spoken by Jesus to heal a deaf priest - Vulgate, Mark 7, 34)
- Eppur si muove - And yet it moves (Galileo in reference that the Earth orbits around the Sun, regardless what the Church believes)
- Equi dentes inspicere donati - Do not examine the teeth of a gift horse (Do not look a gift horse at the mouth - The teeth provide a good indication of the horse's age and health - Accept gifts as they are)
- Equo ne credite, Teucri. Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes - Do not trust the Horse, Trojans. Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks even bearing gifts. (Virgil - Aeneid)
- Era Christiana - Christian Era (Often abbreviated as EC)
- Eram quod es, eris quod sum - I was what you are, you will be what I am (Horace, Carmina XI - Engraved in Gravestones)
- Erat hiems summa - It was the very depth of winter (Cicero - In Verrem II)
- Erga omnes - In front of all (Legal term)
- Ergo - Therefore (Philosophical term used in logic)
- Ergo breue praeceptum tibi praecipitur, dilige, et quod uis fac: siue taceas, dilectione taceas; siue clames, dilectione clames; siue emendes, dilectione emendes; siue parcas, dilectione parcas: radix sit intus dilectionis, non potest de ista radice nisi bonum existere - Therefore, a short precept: Love and do what you want; if you shut up, do it for love; if you scream, also do it for love; if you correct, also for love; If you abstain, do it for love. Let the root of love be within you and let nothing can come out unless it is good (St. Augustine - Love and do what you want - Homily VII, paragraph 8)
- Ergo conclusus contra manichaeus - And this ends the Manichaean! (Philosophical Term - Thomas Aquinas said this at a banquet hosted by St. Louis IX of France, after expressing a conclusive argument against Manichaeism, which then spread through Europe)
- Ergo glu capiuntur aves - Therefore birds are caught with glue
- Eritis sicut dii - You shall be as gods (Ecclesiastical term - Words that the serpent directs to Eve in paradise, to invite her to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - Vulgate - Genesis 3,5 )
- Errando, corrigitur error - Making a mistake, you fix the error (You learn by your mistakes)
- Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum, rectificare sapientis est - To err is human, to forgive is divine and to rectify is wise.
- Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum - To err is human, to persist in it, is diabolical (Seneca)
- Errare humanum est sed in errore perseverare dementia - To err is human, but to insist on the error is crazy
- Errata - Error (Grammatical term - Refers to corrections added after the book is published)
- Error communis facit ius - The law creates a common mistake. (Legal term)
- Error in iudicando - Judicial Error (Legal term)
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