Latin Phrases and Quotes Starting with phrase number 1175
- Ecce Deus fortior me, veniens dominabitur mihi - Behold a god stronger than I, who coming shall rule over me
- Ecce garum est - Behold garum (Philosophical term -. Phrase coined by the poet Martial (VII, 94), referring to the foul breath that people who ate garum had. Garum was a fish sauce served at the tables of high society Imperial Rome. Made with remains of fish, it was salted and left to ferment in large vats exposed to sunlight. Just like some perfumes, it came to demand high prices, as much as 500 silver coins for one liter of this sauce)
- Ecce homo! - 'Behold the man!' (Vulgate - John 19,5 - Said by Pontius Pilate during the trial of Jesus - Used by many artist to depict the scene)
- Ecce lignum crucis, in quo salus mundi pependit - This is the wood of the cross on which hung the Saviour of the world (Ecclesiastical term)
- Ecce procul ternis Hecate variata figuris - Behold the three shapes of Hecate (Ovid - In Greek mythology, Hecate is represented as a triad, because they believed that she reigned over three domains: the earth, the sea and the sky)
- Ecce, quid iste tuus praeter nova carmina vates donat amatoris? Multa milia legis - Behold, is this your lover poet who gives nothing but new verses? You will need to read thousands more. (Ovid - "Amores")
- Ecce tibi qui rex populi romani es se concupiverit - Behold the one who pretended to be the ruler of the Roman people (Cicero)
- Ecce Venio - Here I come
- Ecclesia abhorret a sanguinem - The church abhors bloodshed (Said by the inquisitors as they burned their victims)
- Ecclesiae - By demand of the Church
- Eccum hac - Behold this
- Ede, bibe, lude, post mortem nulla voluptas - Eat, drink, play, there is no pleasure after death (Roman Epitaph)
- Ede faecam - Eat shit
- Edict - Edict (Legal Term - Formal Opinion delivered by an authority)
- Edite et bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas - Eat and drink, after death there is nothing to do
- Edite iam coctus - Eat, it is cooked (Saint Lawrence as he was being grilled)
- Editio princeps - First edition
- Educare et Ministrare - Educate and Serve (Motto of the Columbus University in Veracruz, Mexico)
- Ego amissus pugna sed autere bellum - I lost the battle but i won the war (Thank you: Greg Mamalis)
- Ego amo te - I love you
- Ego autem dico vobis: Diligite inimicos vestros - But I say to you, love your enemies (Vulgate - Matthew 5,44)
- Ego idem sum - I am the same man
- Ego illud adsentior Theophrasto - I agree on this with Theophrastus (Cicero - De Oratore III, p 184)
- Ego manent in te - I am permanently in you
- Ego non ullo uera timore tegam - I will not hide the truth, because of fear (Philosophical term - Catullus)
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