Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1147

  1. Dulce est desipere in loco - It is delightful to play the fool (Horace)
  2. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori - It is sweet and honorable to die for your country (Horace - Carmina III, 2, 13)
  3. Dulce maerenti, populus dolentum - It is sweet for one in grief to know that other people suffer (Seneca - Troades)
  4. Dulce puella malum est - So sweet a plague is woman (Ovid)
  5. Dulcia linquimus Arva - We left our dear fields (Vergil - Eclogues 1.3)
  6. Dulcis in fundo - The sweet is at the bottom (The best arrives at the end - Thank you: Fulvio De Franceschi)
  7. Dum eris felix, numerabis multos amicos. Tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris. Ovidius - As long as you are fortunate, you will count many friends. If times become cloudy, you will be alone.
  8. Dum in Altum - While going towards the High [God] (Motto of the Institute of University Studies Leon "As we approach our final End". It is a constant challenge to achieve excellence)
  9. Dum loquor, hora fugit - While I speak, the time flies (Ovid)
  10. Dum luceam, peream - I perish, but I look good (Philosophical term - serves as a norm for too many people in modern society)
  11. Dum Romae consulitur, Saguntum expugnatur - While Rome deliberates, Sagunto is assaulted (Livy)
  12. Dum spiro, spero - While I breath, I hope (Cicero)
  13. Dum vita est spes est - While there is life there is hope
  14. Dum vivimus, vivamus - While we live, we live
  15. Duoviri extra urbe purgandis - Two outside the city purging (Two people responsible for ensuring the cleanliness of Rome up to a mile away from the city)
  16. Dura a nobis non timentur - Let us not be afraid of difficult thing
  17. Dura lex, sed lex - The law is hard, but it is the law (Legal term)
  18. Durum est, sed ita lex scripta est - It is hard, but that is how the law is written (Legal Term)
  19. E civibus eligi debet is qui civibus imperaturus est - It must be chosen from among the citizens the one who will govern the citizen
  20. E conchis omnia - everything from shells (Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, had this saying painted on his carriage. He believed life began with simple shelled organisms and that every creature came from them.)
  21. E mare libertas - From the Sea, Freedom (Motto of Sealand)
  22. E pluribus unum - From many, one (The making of one nation out of several British colonies - Great Seal of the United States - Motto found in the one dollar bill)
  23. E Scientia Hominis Salus - Science for the benefit of men (Motto of Ecuador's National Polytechnic School)
  24. Eadem causa pretendi - The case alleges (Legal term)
  25. Eadem conditio personarum - The condition of the people (Legal Term)

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