Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 11

  1. A coelo usque ad centrum - From heaven to the centre of the Earth (Thank you: Charlotte)
  2. A cohores fratres viventem in aeternum - A band of brothers who live forever (Thank you: MJB)
  3. A contrariis - To the contrary (Philosophical term used in logic)
  4. A contrario sensu - Contrary to reason
  5. A cruce salus - Salvation from the cross
  6. A cuspide corona - From the spear a crown (Honor gained by military success)
  7. A Deo rex, a rege lex - From God the King, from the King the law (Motto of the absolute monarchy who thought they derived power by God)
  8. A digito cognoscitur leo - The lion is known by his claw
  9. A divinis - Of the divine
  10. A falsitate rationati ad falsitatem rationis valet consequentia - Of deceptive consequences follows false reasoning
  11. A fortiori - By force (Legal term - With greater reason)
  12. A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi - Between a cliff and wolf
  13. A fructibus cognoscitur arbor - The tree is known by its fruit
  14. A latere - On the side (Legal term - Denotes collateral)
  15. A limine - From the threshold
  16. A manu servi - With a servant hand (Used to describe the work of a ghost writer)
  17. A mari usque ad mare - From Sea to Sea (Canada's motto)
  18. A maximis ad minima - From the maximum to the minimum
  19. A mensa et thoro - From table and bed (Legal term - separation)
  20. A minima - For being too small (Legal term - Indicates that the case should go to a lower court)
  21. A nativitate - From birth
  22. A non domino - From the non owner (Legal term - Argument from the person who does not own the item in question)
  23. A novo - From new (Again)
  24. A pari - For the same (Philosophical term - Argument based on the similarity and equality of the facts)
  25. A pedibus usque ad caput - From foot to head

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