Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 109

  1. Acta Apostolicae Sedis - The works of the Apostolic See (Ecclesiastical term - Official periodical publication from the Vatican)
  2. Acta diuturna populi Romani - The daily works of the Roman people (A chronical)
  3. Acta Editorum - Published Work
  4. Acta Eruditorum - Works of the scholar
  5. Acta est fabula, plaudite! - The play is over, applaud! (The last words of Caesar Augustus) )
  6. Acta non verba - Action, not words
  7. Acta publica probanti se ipsa - Public Works are prove in and of themselves
  8. Acta sanctorum - Deeds of the saint
  9. Acti labores iucundi - The pleasure of finished work (Satisfaction that is experience when one finishes something)
  10. Actio damni infecti - Action for damages and infections (Legal term - e.g. Restitution for cattle grazing on the plaintiff's land)
  11. Actio de in rem verso - Enrichment without cause (Legal term)
  12. Actio de partu agnoscendo - Action of recognition of the child (Legal term)
  13. Actio est ius persequendi in iudicio, quod sibi debetur - Action is the right to obtain what it is due by the process of law (Legal term - Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus Instituta, libri 1, 6)
  14. Actio illicita in causa - Action illicitly planned (Legal term - compare with Actio libera in causa)
  15. Actio in personam - Personal action (Legal term)
  16. Actio in rem scripta - Real action (Legal term)
  17. Actio libera in causa - Action free in its cause (Legal term - compare with Actio illicita in causa)
  18. Actio pro socio - An action of partnership (Legal term - An action brought by one partner against his associates to compel them to carry out the terms of the partnership agreement)
  19. Actio Redhibitoria - Action to rescind a sale (Legal term)
  20. Actio semel extincta non reviviscit - Extinguished action does not revive (Legal term)
  21. Actiones non natae non praescribunt - Actions that have not been born, are not prescribed (Legal term)
  22. Activa tantum - Active construction (Grammartical term - Verbs that only have an active voice)
  23. Actor incumbit probatio, reus excipiendo fit actor - The plaintiff must provide proof of the facts alleged, the defendant the exceptions presented (Legal term)
  24. Actore non probante, reus absolvitur - When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved (Legal term)
  25. Actori incumbis onus probandi - The plaintiff must prove the case (Legal term)

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