Latin Phrases and Quotes
Starting with phrase number 1034

  1. Deus est mortali mortalem iuvare - God is a mortal that helps another mortal (Philosophical term)
  2. Deus est qui omnem mundum regit - God is who governs the entire world (Augustine)
  3. Deus et dominus natus - Born god and master (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus [212-275) motto when he proclaimed himself king)
  4. Deus et voluntas mea - God and my will
  5. Deus ex machina - God from the machine (Taken from an old Greek phrase related to the theater. In the last act of a Greek theater a crane, which represents god, appears to explain the play)
  6. Deus in nobis - God among us
  7. Deus, libertas Cultura - God, free Culture (Motto of Carabobo University in Valencia, Venezuela)
  8. Deus, lumen cordis mei et panis oris intus animae meae et virtus maritans mentem meamet sinum cogitationis meae - God, light of my heart and the bread of my mouth deep in soul and the strength that ties my mind and bosom of my thoughts (Ecclesiastical term - St. Augustine Confessionum liber I. Chapter XIII)
  9. Deus me fecit - God made me
  10. Deus meus, Deus meus, ut quid dereliquisti me - My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Said by Jesus Christ at the cross - Vulgate - Mark 15,34 and Matthew 27,46)
  11. Deus nobis haec otia fecit - God has given us this tranquility (Georgia's Motto taken from Virgil's Eclogues I)
  12. Deus nos vis cum ni vis contra - God is on our side, no one can be against
  13. Deus praecipuus - First, God (then anything else)
  14. Deus qui fecit totum, benedicat cibum et potum - God who made it all, bless food and drink
  15. Deus quos erigit, dirigit - God elects who he directs
  16. Deus refugium nostrum et virtus - God is our refuge and strength (Episcopal motto of St. Pius X titular bishop of Milas in 1912 )
  17. Deus vult - God wills it (Motto of the First Crusade - 1095 war ordered by Pope Urban II against Muslims in Jerusalem)
  18. Diabole virtus in lumbas est - The devil's virtue is in his shrewdness
  19. Dialecticam inventam esse, ven et falsi quasi disceptatricem - Dialectic was invented to decide between the true and the false (Philosophical term - Cicero)
  20. Dialogus de oratoribus - Dialogue on Orators (A short book by Tacitus)
  21. Diania turba - The troop of Diana (Ovid, Fasti)
  22. Dicebamus hesterna die - As we were saying yesterday (Fray Luis de Leon, Spanish Writer 1527-1591)
  23. Dicente Scriptura Sancta - As Holy Scripture says
  24. Dicit ei Iesus quia vidisti me credidisti beati qui non viderunt et crediderunt - Jesus saith to him: Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and have believed (Vulgate - John 20, 24)
  25. Dicitur Ciceronem fuisse optimum oratorem - It is said that Cicero was the best orato

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