Latin Mottos Starting with phrase number 406
- Veritas in caritates - Truth in charities (Motto of the Bolivian Catholic University)
- Veritas, Probitas, Iustitia - Truth, Honesty, Justice (Motto of the University of Indonesia - Thank you: Allie)
- Veritate sola nobis imponetur virilis toga - Only the truth will give us the virile toga (Motto of the Las Villas Central University in Cuba)
- Via trans - Tyberina - Road Beyond the Tiber (Antipope Paschal III (1164-1168) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was a Cardinal of the title of St. Mary's in Transtevere, which refers to Transtibernia, as Tiber river crosses it)
- Viam Sapientiae Monstrabo - The wisdom will show you the way (Motto of the Abat Oliba University in Barcelona)
- Victoribus Spolia - To the victor goes the spoils (Motto of the USS Jackson - LCS 6)
- Victrix causa deis placuit, sed vica Catoni - The victorious cause pleased the gods, but the conquered cause pleased Cato (Luncan Bellum Civile I, 128i - Motto of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery)
- Vince in bono malum - Overcome evil with good (Motto of the Anahuac University in Cancun, Mexico)
- Vir Religiosus - Religious Man ( Pius VIII (1829-1830) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no credible evidence that this pope was more religious than the others)
- Viriliter age - Behave as a man (Motto of the Science Institute of Guadalajara, Mexico)
- Virtus unitas fortior - Unity is the strongest virtue (Motto of Andorra)
- Vis unita fortior - The strength of the union is the most powerful (Motto of the city of Tralee, Kerry County, Ireland)
- Vitam impendere vero - Life consecrated to the truth (Motto of the National University in Asuncion, Paraguay)
- Vivit - He Lives! (Motto inscribed on the letters of the Protestant reformer Luther)
- Vocem meam audi, qui me tangit - My voice hears, whoever touches me. (Motto inscribed in bells)
- Voluntatis populi custos - Trustees of the will of the people (Motto of Paraguay's Electoral Justice)
- Vtraque Vnum - In both one (Motto inscribed in Spanish American coins called "columnar" which represented both Europe and America)
- Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat - They all hurt, the last one kills (Refers the hours that pass by - The last hour is when we die - Motto inscribed in clocks)
- Zelo zelatus sum pro Domino Deo exercituum - With zeal have I been zealous for the Lord God of hosts (Vulgate - I Kings 19,14 - Motto of the Carmelites)
Total: 424