Latin Mottos
Starting with phrase number 346

  1. Se lumen proferre - Let the light shine forth (Academic term - Motto of Aguascalientes University in Mexico)
  2. Securitas est futurus - Security is future (Motto of the Air traffic controllers in Paraguay)
  3. Semper Alere Flammam - Always feeding the flame (Motto of prep school #8 of the University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
  4. Semper Ascendens - Always Ascending (Motto of State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
  5. Semper deinceps - Always forward (Motto of GA-935 JROTC raider team - Thank you: Kendall)
  6. Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful (Marine Corp Motto)
  7. Semper gumby - Always flexible (Motto of the US Air Force - This sentence is a hack, it is evident that "gumby" is not Latin)
  8. Semper Paratus - Always Ready (Motto of the United States Coast Guard - Thank you: E. Oleson)
  9. Semper primus - Always first (Motto of the US Navy)
  10. Serviendo guberno - I govern by serving (Family motto of nobility i.e. O'Rourkes of Ireland - Thank you: Charlie)
  11. Sic itur ad astra - This is the way to the stars (Motto of the Colombian Air Force)
  12. Sic Luceant Opera Tua - Your work continues to shine (Motto of the city of Gandia in Valencia, Spain)
  13. Sic obvia frangit - This overcomes obstacles (Motto of the Spanish Light Armoured Cavalry Regiment #11)
  14. Sic Parvis Magna - From small to greatness (Motto given by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Francis Drake (1540-1596) in 1581 for being the first English person to circumnavigate the world)
  15. Sic semper Tyrannus - Thus always to tyrants (Motto of Virginia State )
  16. Sicut in coelo et in terra - As in heaven and earth (Taken from Our Father - Motto of the Spanish Mobile Forces)
  17. Sigillum Militum Xpisti - The Seal of the Soldiers of Christ (This motto was written in Greek and Latin characters in the Templars' rings)
  18. Signum Ostiense - A Sign of Ostia (Pope Alexander IV (1254-1261) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was Cardinal of Ostia)
  19. Similia Similibus Curantur - Similar cures the similar (Homeopathy motto)
  20. Spem reduxit - Hope reborn (Motto of New Brunswick, Canada)
  21. Spendor sine occasu - Splendour without end (Motto of British Columbia, Canada)
  22. Spiritus rediment materiam - The spirit redeems matter (Matter does not make sense without the spirit, was the motto of the Jesuit University of Guadalajara, Mexico until 1998)
  23. Spiritus Ubi Vult Spirat - The Spirit blows where it wills (Motto of the Cayetano Heredia University in Peru)
  24. Stat crux dum volvitur orbis - As the world turns, the Cross remains (Motto of the St. Bruno order)
  25. Stella clavisque Maris Indici - Star and key of the Indian Ocean (Motto of Mauritius Island)

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