Latin Mottos Starting with phrase number 296
- Picus Inter Escas - The Peak Among Fodder ( Nicholas IV (1288-1292) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - picus may refer to his supposed birthplace Picenum)
- Pinnae Marinae Pullulant - Marines sprout wings (Royal Air Force motto, No.24 Elementary Flying Training School, 1939-47 - Thank you: Keith Vaughan)
- Piscator Minorita - Minorite Fisherman (Pope Sixtus IV (1471-1484) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His father was a fisherman and was a member of the Minor Friars)
- Piscator Tuscus - The Tuscan Fisherman (Pope John XXI (1276-1277) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecie - His name was Peter and he was Cardinal in Tusculums - St. Peter, the apostle, was a fisherman)
- Plus potest qui plus valet - Who can do more is stronger (Motto of Valentines)
- Plus ultra - Beyond (Motto of Spain)
- Poenitentia Gloriosa - Glorious Penitence (Pope Alexander VIII (1689-1691) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say it is because he was named Peter, the apostle who repented after denying Christ)
- Post Nubila Phoebus - After darkness theres light (Motto of the University of Zulia in Venezuela)
- Post tenebras spero lucem - I hope there’s light after darkness (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra - Motto of Don Quixote of the Mancha. In his shield next to a falcon and a lion)
- Posteris lumen moriturus edat - After death give light to the future (Motto of Cauca University in Popayan, Colombia)
- Praeclarius est id virtutem assequi - Much more is to achieve this excellent virtue (Motto of the family Bruguera)
- Praecursor Siciliae - A Fore-Runner from Sicily (Pope Innocent VIII (1484-1492) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Was from Sicily and named after John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ)
- Primus circumdedisti me - First to surround (Motto inscribed on the coat of arms of Juan Sebastian Elcano, who accompanied navigator Ferdinand Magellan in the first voyage around the world - Today is the name of the school-ship of the Spanish Armada)
- Pro amcis suis - For his Friends (Motto of the Bishop of Diocese of St. Petersburg)
- Pro Brasilia Fiant Eximia - Let us do the best for Brazil (Motto of the Coat of arms of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil - Thank you: Decio Frederico Viccino)
- Pro libertate patria gens libera state - The freedom of the Sate makes the freedom of the homeland (Motto of Infants Obanos from Navarra, Spain)
- Pro mundi beneficio - For the benefit of the world (Motto of Panama)
- Pro patria ad deum - For the country to God (Motto of the Fraternity of Saint Thomas Aquinas)
- Pro Patria, Rege ac Fide sanguinem atque divitas - For the fatherland, the King and faith of blood and wealth (Villaverde Family Motto)
- Pro Scientia et Patria - For Science and Country (Motto of the University of la Plata, in Argentina)
- Pulchra leonina - The beautiful lioness (Motto and popular name of the Lion Cathedral in Spain)
- Pusillior sed et fortis - We are few, but strong (Philosophical term - Also motto of an old submersible Spanish Armada)
- Quaere veritatem - Seek the truth (Bentleigh High School in Victoria, Australia, had this motto in the 1960s when I was a student - Thank you: Helen Scott)
- Quaerite adsidue eruditionem - Seek to constantly learn (Motto of University of St Andrews)
- Quaeritur primum regnum Dei - First seek the kingdom of God (Motto Newfoundland, Canada)
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