Latin Mottos
Starting with phrase number 181

  1. Ignis numquam dicit sufficit - The fire never says enough (Academic Term - Motto of the College Loyola University of Valladolid, Spain)
  2. Implebentur campi tui fertilitate - Clouds yours fertilize fields (Motto of the Municipality of Alberto Adriani in Merida, Venezuela)
  3. In Audacibus Saevi - Fierce in daring matters (Motto of Marine Aircraft Group 36 - Thank you: a. jefferson )
  4. In Humilitate Vincis - In humility you will conquer (Motto del Rugby Club of the Metropolitan University in Caracas, Venezuela)
  5. In Lumine Sapientia - Wisdom is in the light (Motto of the Almeria University in Spain)
  6. In persecutione extrema sacrae romanae ecclesiae, sedebit petrus romanus qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus; quibus transactis, civitas seticollis diruetur, et judex tremendus judicabit populum - In extreme persecution, the seat of the Holy Roman Church will be occupied by Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep through many tribulations; when they are over, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the terrible or fearsome Judge will judge his people (The last St. Malachy prophecies about the Popes. This would be the last pope and his motto would be Petrus Romanus - Peter Roman)
  7. In spiritus remigio vita - Life is in the wingbeat of the spirit (Motto of the
  8. In Tribulatione Pacis - In the Disturbance of Peace (Pope Gregory XV (1621-1623) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Vague motto that cannot be associated with his name, birthplace or shield)
  9. In veritate libertas - In truth there is freedom (Motto of the University of Saint Paul in Madrid, Spain)
  10. In veritatis lumine ad amoris vitam - In the light of truth for life in love (Motto Sacred Heart University in Lima-Peru)
  11. Indivisa Manent - Remain together (Motto of University La Salle - Work together, do not divide)
  12. Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter - Indivisibly and inseparably (Austria-Hungary motto - Refers to the autonomous nations inside the Monarchy. In fact, it wasn't really true, Hungary had a revolution against the Habsburg dinasty in 1848 - Thank you: Tibor)
  13. Inimicus Expulsus - Enemy Expelled (Pope Lucius II (1144-1145) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His last name was Caccianemici, or the enemy hunter)
  14. Inter Aulas Academia quaere verum - Among the classrooms of the Academy you look for the truth (This is the motto of the National University of Colombia. It is based on a Horace’s verse in reference to the Academy founded by the Greek philosopher Plato in the outskirts of Arenas, in 387 BC)
  15. Inter lutum duro mundus - I stay clean in the mud (Motto of those who have to work in an unpleasant or corrupt environment)
  16. Itineraium mentis ad veritatem - The journey of the mind in search of the truth (Motto of the University of the Frontier in Temuco, Chile )
  17. Iucunditas Crucis - Joy of the Cross (Pope Innocent X (1644-1655) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was elected Pope on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross after a long and difficult conclave)
  18. Iunctae humanitatis vinculo - Link of a united humanity (Motto of the Chilean Institute)
  19. Iuncti sed non uncti - Together, but not scrambled (Motto of the acrobatic patrol the Spanish Air Force)
  20. Ius semper loquitur - The law always speaks (Motto of the Law department of the National Autonomous University of Mexico)
  21. Iustitia, pietas, fides - Justice, Mercy and Faith (Motto of Suriman)
  22. Iustitiam et Potentium Ministrare - Justice and Strong Support (Motto of the Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon)
  23. Labor laetitia nostra - Our joy is our work (Motto of the University of Santiago, Chile)
  24. Labor omnia vincit - Work conquers all (Motto of many institutions)
  25. Labora et Vinces - Work and conquer (Motto Broch Garcia College in Valencia, Spain)

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