Latin Mottos Starting with phrase number 146
- Fides, patria, labor - Faith, fatherland and work (Motto of the Seminar San Carlos y Marcelo in Trujillo, Peru)
- Finis origine pendet - The end depends upon the beginning (Motto of Phillips Academy, Andover, MA)
- Firmitas, utilitas, venustas - Strong, useful, beatiful (Motto of Roman Architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio - c. 80 - 25 BC)
- Flagellum Solis - Scourge of the Sun (Pope Anti-pope Alexander V (1409-1410) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arms had a sun)
- Flores Circumdati - Surrounded by Flowers (Pope Clement XI (1700-1721) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Urbino, a city that depicts a garland of flowers on its coat of arms)
- Flos Florum - Flower of Flowers (Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arms had three lilies)
- Flos Pilaei Aegri - Flower of the Sick Pills (Pope Clement VII (1523-1534) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His family coat of arms had six medical balls (pills) and one of them with three lilies)
- Fluctuat nec mergitur - Floats and doesn't sink (Motto of Paris, France)
- Fortis atque fidelis - Strong and Faithful (Motto of Chilean Marines)
- Fortis et liber - Strong and Free (Motto of Alberta, Canada)
- Fortis Spiritus Sapientia - Strength, Spirit and Wisdom. (Motto of special infantry forces of Mexico)
- Frigidus Abbas - Cold Abbot (Pope Benedict XII (1334-1342) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - Benedict XII was an abbot in the monastery of Fontfroide, "Cold spring")
- Fructus Jovis Juvabit - The Fruit of Jupiter will Help (Pope Julius II (1503-1513) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arms had a oak, a tree sacred to Jupiter)
- Frumentum Floccidum - Trifling grain (Pope Marcellus II (1555) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - His coat of arms had a ears of wheat and his papacy was very short)
- Futurum Edificamus - We construct the future (Motto University of Colombia)
- Gallus Vicecomes - A French Viscount (Pope Urban V (1362-1370) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - French by birth and viscount of Milan)
- Gens Perversa - The Corrupt Family (Pope Paul V (1605-1621) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies)
- Gens una sumus - We are all one family (Motto of the World Chess Federation - Fédération Internationale des Échecs - FIDE)
- Gloria Olivae - The Glory of the Olive or "To the Olive" (Pope Benedict XVI (2005-2013) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - There is no association with his coat of arms, name or birth place. Some people say that it is because Order of St. Benedict is also known as the olivetans. However, Pope Benedict did not belong to that Order. He just picked the name Benedict)
- Gloriam Dei Nostri Ave Satani Lucifeis Excellsis - Glory to Our Lord Satan, Highest Bearer of Light (Motto of the Gnostic Church of Satan )
- Gloriosus et liber - Glorious and free (Motto of Manitoba, Canada)
- Gratia dei - Glory of God (Motto of the Belloch family)
- Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae - This is the place where death delights to serve the living ( Autopsy motto - Thank you: Sarah Wilson )
- Hic mors gaudet succurrere vitae - Here's death serves life (Motto of the Anatomy laboratory of the University Lisandro Alvarado in Venezuela)
- Hierusalem Campaniae - Jerusalem in campaign (Pope Urban IV (1261-1264) motto, according to St. Malachy prophecies - He was born in Troyes, Champagne, and had the title Patriarch of Jerusalem)
Total: 424