Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 621

  1. Ubi eadem ratio, idem ius - For the same reason, the same law (Legal term)
  2. Ubi homo, ibi societas; ubi societas, ibi Ius; ergo, ubi homo, ibi Ius - Where there was man, there was society, where there was society there was law (Legal term - indicates that rule of law is an integral part of mankind)
  3. Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus - Where the law does not distinguish, we should not distinguish (Legal term - Laws must be applied as written)
  4. Ubi lex voluit, dixit; ubi non voluit, tacuit - When the law wanted it, it talked, when the did not want it, it remained silent (Legal term)
  5. Ubi maior minor cessat - Where there is a greater (authority), the lower stops (Legal term - A higher court overwrites a lower one)
  6. Ubi verba non sunt ambigua, non est locus interpretationibus - Where words are unambiguous, there is no room for interpretations (Legal term - from the book "The ABC of Law" by David Efrain Misari Torpoco)
  7. Ultra posse nemo obligatur - Nobody is forced to do the impossible (Legal Term - Ulpian - The obligations do not extend beyond the capabilities)
  8. Ultra vires - Beyond their power (Legal term - Refers to acts of governing bodies that exceed their mandate)
  9. Ultra vires hereditatis - Obligation beyond hereditary (Legal term - the inheritor has direct and unlimited liability for the liabilities of the deceased)
  10. Universitas non moritur - The corporation does not die (Legal term - it says alive even after its founders die)
  11. Uno ictu - (Legal Term - Rights that are automatically transmitted)
  12. Unus testis, nullus testis - One witness is no witness (Legal Term - The law requires more than one witness to judge - Thank you: Dietrich Hartmann )
  13. Usteron proteron - The late earlier (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that assumes that something that has not been proven is true, figure of speech that reverses the natural order of words)
  14. Usucapion - Usucaption (Legal Term - Acquisition of property through long, undisturbed possession)
  15. Usus fructus - Use of the fruit (Legal term - The benefit derived from something)
  16. Ut honestioribus potius fides testibus habentur - Greater faith will be given to the most honorable witnesses (Legal term - Justinian (482-565) Cod.4,20,9)
  17. Uti possidetis ita possideatis - As you possessed you shall possess henceforth (Legal Term - International law that establishes that the borders of a colony or political subdivision will become the respected international boundaries once independence is achieved - This principle was incorporated in order to define the limits of the emerging nations)
  18. Uti possidetis iure - As possessed according to law (Legal Term)
  19. Uti rogas - As asked (Legal term - Means that it was approved, as requested)
  20. Vacare culpa magnum est solatium - Being free of fault is a great consolation (Legal term)
  21. Vacatio legis - Law vacuum (Legal term - period of time after a new law has been approved and before it takes effect)
  22. Venire contra factum proprium non valet - It is not allowed to come against one's own facts (Legal Term - Also known as estoppel)
  23. Venire facias - You must make come (Legal Term, also known as summons)
  24. Vinculum iuris - Vinculum law (Legal term - In civil cases, provides the right to enforce obligations)
  25. Vis legibus inimica - Violence is the enemy of the law (Legal term)

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