Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 601

  1. Societas delinquere non potest - Societies may not transgress (Legal term)
  2. Solve et repete - Pay now and protest later (Legal term - Settle, then appeal)
  3. Specialia generalibus derogant - Specialized laws take precedence over general laws (Legal term)
  4. Standum est chartae - Must stand by the letter (Legal term - Must adhere to the writte agreement)
  5. Stare decisis, et quaeta non muovere - Hold on to what was decided, do not modify what exists (Legal term)
  6. Statuto de terris ad manum mortuam non ponendo edito non obstante - Not withstanding the statute edicted about not placing lands in Mortmain (Legal term - Court of Queen's Bench, Ireland - The Mortain statute prevents land from passing into the possession of the Church without a royal license)
  7. Sub iudice - Under judgement (Legal term - Involved in a judicial process and waiting for a sentence)
  8. Sui iuris - Own rights (Legal Term - Emancipated - Compare with Alieni iuris)
  9. Superficie solo cedit - The surface accesses the ground (Legal term - claims and rights have to be real, grounded on the law)
  10. Suum cuique tribuere - To each his own (Legal term)
  11. Tempus fugit iuris lumen dum fulget iuristis - Time flees, while the light of law shines for the jurist (Legal term by professor David Misari)
  12. Terminus a quo - Limit from which (Legal term)
  13. Terminus ad quem - Limit to which (Legal term)
  14. Terminus ante quem - Limit before which (Legal term)
  15. Terminus post quem - Limit after which (Legal term)
  16. Testes habesne? - Do you have witnesses? (Legal term - Pliny the elder)
  17. Thema decidendi - The matter to be decided (Legal term)
  18. Tribunicia auctoritas morum - Tribunal moral authority (Legal term)
  19. Tribunicia potestas - Tribunal power (Legal term)
  20. Tutela est vis ac potestas in capite libero ad tuendum eum qui propter aetatem suam sponte se defendere nequit - Guardianship is power and authority to protect someone who because of his age, cannot protect himself (Legal term - definition of Tutela)
  21. Ubi eadem ratio, idem ius - For the same reason, the same law (Legal term)
  22. Ubi homo, ibi societas; ubi societas, ibi Ius; ergo, ubi homo, ibi Ius - Where there was man, there was society, where there was society there was law (Legal term - indicates that rule of law is an integral part of mankind)
  23. Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus - Where the law does not distinguish, we should not distinguish (Legal term - Laws must be applied as written)
  24. Ubi lex voluit, dixit; ubi non voluit, tacuit - When the law wanted it, it talked, when the did not want it, it remained silent (Legal term)
  25. Ubi maior minor cessat - Where there is a greater (authority), the lower stops (Legal term - A higher court overwrites a lower one)

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