Legal Latin Phrases
Starting with phrase number 580

  1. Res derelicta, primi occupantis, belong to the first who finds them - Unattended thing (Legal term)
  2. Res gestea - Bring forth the thing (Legal Term: To bring forth all witness, person involved in said case including all documents pertaining to a case by the court with only those exceptions in the hearsay rule. This holds the judge accountable for the truth. Blacks 4th edition - Thank you: hungerford)
  3. Res inter alios acta - A thing made between others (Legal term - Contracts only affect the signing parties, does not cover others)
  4. Res ipso loquitur, sed quid in infernos dicit? - The thing speaks for itself, but what the hell does it say (Legal term - it is evident that an event occurred, but is not clear how, or who caused)
  5. Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur - The thing judged is considered certain (Legal term - Once something was decided by a court or a judged, it should not be re-submitted - Ulpian Digest 1,5,25)
  6. Res nullius - Nobody's thing (Legal term)
  7. Res perit domino - The perishes for its owner (Legal term)
  8. Res publica - Public thing (Legal term - public domain)
  9. Res soli - Things of the ground (Legal term - Whatever is attached to the ground)
  10. Res transit cum onere suo - The thing transits with its law (Legal term - Certain goods pose obligations, regardless of their owner)
  11. Scire facias - Let them know (Legal term - Directs the Sheriff to make a record known - Also directs a defended to appear in court to explain why an existing judgment should not be executed against him or her)
  12. Scriptum ius est lex, plebis scita, senatus consulta, principum placita, magistratuum edicta, responsa prudentium - Written law is the law, of the people, an object of science, decrees of the senate, of the rulers of what is acceptable: the edicts of magistrates, the responses of their prudent men (Legal Term - Iustinanus, Institu 1,2,3)
  13. Se defendendo - In self defence (An act considered to be legally justifiable due to having been done in the act of defending oneself or others.)
  14. Secundum quid et simpliciter - It is secondary and it simplifies (Legal and philosophical term - Fallacy that takes a small part to represent the whole).
  15. Sed cum ambo iudicium provocat, sorte res discerni solet - However, when both initiated the trial, usually fate decides (Legal term - Dominitius Ulpian Digest 5,1,14)
  16. Sed naturalia quidem iura, quae apud omnes gentes peraeque servantur, divina quaedam providentia constituta semper firma atque inmutabilia permanent - For the natural law, which is observed similarly by all people and is established by some divine providence is always firm and immutable (Legal term - Justiniano Instituta 1,2,3)
  17. Semel heres, semper heres - If you are an heir, you always will be (Legal term: general principle of inheritance law, used to ensure time status as heir)
  18. Sententia debet esse conformis libello - The sentence must be consistent with libel (Legal term)
  19. Si is, cum quo lege Aquilia agitur, confessus est servum occidisse, licet non occiderit, si tamen occisus sit homo, ex confesso tenetur - If one confesses of kiling a slave, he must be condemmed if the slave is killed, or if he dies of natural causes (Legal term - Julius Paulus Digest 42,2,4)
  20. Sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas - Use what's yours without harming others (Legal and diplomatic term - Used in international law to specify that countries are free to use their own natural resources, as long as they do not compromise the resources of neighboring countries)
  21. Sine actione agis - No action to sue (Legal term)
  22. Societas delinquere non potest - Societies may not transgress (Legal term)
  23. Solve et repete - Pay now and protest later (Legal term - Settle, then appeal)
  24. Specialia generalibus derogant - Specialized laws take precedence over general laws (Legal term)
  25. Standum est chartae - Must stand by the letter (Legal term - Must adhere to the writte agreement)

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