Legal Latin Phrases Starting with phrase number 565
- Ratio descidendi - Reason for acting (Legal term)
- Ratio essendi - Reason of being (Legal and philosophical term, ethics)
- Ratio iuris - Justice rason of justice (Legal term)
- Ratio Suma - Supreme reason (Legal term)
- Rationae loci - Because of the place (Legal term)
- Rationae materiae - Because of the mater (Legal term)
- Rationae personae - Because of the person (Legal term)
- Rationae quantitatis - Because of the amount (Legal term)
- Rationae territorii - Because of the territory (Legal term)
- Ratum quid habere non potest, quod ipsius nomine non est gestum - It is not possible to attach reason, in the name of something that was not done (Legal term)
- Rebus sic stantibus - Being the way things are (Legal and diplomatic term that refers to the circumstances)
- Reformatio in melius - Reform to the better (Legal term)
- Reformatio in peius - Reform for the worse (Legal term)
- Regula iuris - Rule of Law (Legal term)
- Res comunes omnium iure naturali - Common things belong to everyone by natural law (Legal term)
- Res derelicta, primi occupantis, belong to the first who finds them - Unattended thing (Legal term)
- Res gestea - Bring forth the thing (Legal Term: To bring forth all witness, person involved in said case including all documents pertaining to a case by the court with only those exceptions in the hearsay rule. This holds the judge accountable for the truth. Blacks 4th edition - Thank you: hungerford)
- Res inter alios acta - A thing made between others (Legal term - Contracts only affect the signing parties, does not cover others)
- Res ipso loquitur, sed quid in infernos dicit? - The thing speaks for itself, but what the hell does it say (Legal term - it is evident that an event occurred, but is not clear how, or who caused)
- Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur - The thing judged is considered certain (Legal term - Once something was decided by a court or a judged, it should not be re-submitted - Ulpian Digest 1,5,25)
- Res nullius - Nobody's thing (Legal term)
- Res perit domino - The perishes for its owner (Legal term)
- Res publica - Public thing (Legal term - public domain)
- Res soli - Things of the ground (Legal term - Whatever is attached to the ground)
- Res transit cum onere suo - The thing transits with its law (Legal term - Certain goods pose obligations, regardless of their owner)
Total: 648